Caramel Apple Oreos
Caramel Apple Oreos
Back in early October, I bought this package of Caramel Apple Oreos. They sat in my cupboard for months until I finally broke down and cracked open the package. First thing I did before opening the package was look at the expiration date. February 12, 2015. Just barely getting under the wire on this Oreo review.
My blogger friend KevinIL was more timely with his review of these fall-themed Oreos.
Mixing Two Candies
Upon popping one of these in my mouth and chewing it up, I found that the sweetness of the this limited flavor was a bit overwhelming. Much sweeter than I was expecting. I like caramel apples, but I reduced my hope before biting into one of the faux-flavored cookies that it wasn’t going to be an exact taste replcia. It wasn’t. I didn’t hate it, but it was just not right. Compared to the Reese’s Oreos, these paled in comparison. And even for as long as they stayed unopened in my cupboard, they weren’t stale one bit. Fresh as any Oreo package I’ve had before.
Kind Of Like
My only regret was that I waited too long to try these. This is one of those distractions that I fight… something I love yet I put off trying them far too long.
I’m excited for the next flavor of Oreos. Review coming up this week after I choke down a few more of these caramel apple creme-sandwich cookies.
Thanks for the link love.
So what do you plan to do with the remainder of the package? Do you throw something away that you don’t like? I tend to take it to work and leave it in the break room. Someone will eat it, for sure.
I normally take in any extra Oreos into work and let people consume them via the break room. So great Oreo minds think alike.
Initially I was thrilled with the introduction of new OREO flavors… but so many of them end up tasting fake and overly-sweet, so I mostly take a pass in favor of traditional OREOs.
Yeah, there’s so many flavors of them these days, it’s almost like a novelty worn off. Nothing like the originals, even Double Stuff.
Steven and I both thought these were too sweet too, and didn’t even finish them!
Too sweet for things is not good most of the time.