An Open Letter To Jack White
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Hey there Mr. White… oh wait, that’s already reserved for a movie character.
Can I call you Jack? Ok. Listen, Jack… this solo career you’ve got going on here. It’s all nice that you are trying to be creative and shit. And your venture into keeping vinyl alive and well for music purists is pretty cool.
But let’s get real here. You’ve gone off the rails lately. Making negative comments towards a band you appear to believe stole your sound is the latest. Dissing other musicians, including your previous partner in the band that made you famous and well-known, isn’t cool.
And speaking of that band — that brings me to the point of this open letter.
Bring back The White Stripes!
Not for the long haul. Just one last tour. One last album. One last send off.
Yes, we all know about the one aborted tour for the “Get Behind Me Satan” albums, when Meg went through some stage fright issues. Or at least that was the report.
And I get that you are promoting your new album “Lazaretto”, which stirring up the press with statements can put your name out there more.
But seriously Jack, your solo career can take a breather. Reissue the back catalog of the White Stripes music. Even if you have zero interest in creating new music with Meg, find an album’s worth of unreleased songs. Put it out there. Hell, put it on 180 gram vinyl, too. See what kind of interest is out there. My guess is that it’s a lot.
If I’m wrong and people don’t care about the White Stripes anymore, you can search the web or this blog for negative shit about me. Feel free to put me in my place to the public. But if I’m right and us fans miss that band of raw sound and simplicity, then leave a comment below offering your best apology.
I’m listening and waiting…
Signed… a White Stripes fan that wants a comeback
– Marty
“Making negative comments towards a band you appear to believe stole your sound”? Huh?
I forgot to add a link to the article. Jack accused The Black Keys of copying his sound. I will update the link shortly.
I thought I was done with Jack White until he was on Fallon with Neil Young. Then I got a little White Stripes nostalgic.
I saw that segment with Neil Young. And White Stripes is where my mind went, too.
Okay being a huge Black Keys and Jack White (White Stripes, The Dead Weather and Racontuers.. and a guest spot on High Voltage with Electric Six), I have never ever though The Black Keys sounded anything like any iteration of Jack White’s music. That’s like the members of April Wine saying that Wolfmother stole their sound…. wait that would be a bad example… But because they are in the same genre and popular doesn’t give really Jack the right to make that kind of judgement. I don’t know maybe I’m just still bitter about him walking of the stage after half a set at Radio City Music hall a year and a half ago…
Yeah, it seemed odd that Jack would compare Black Keys to his music style. Not even close, IMO. I would compare Wolfmother more to Black Sabbath and Cream.
I can’t blame you for still being bitter about that show (which is why I made reference to it above in the post)
I’m going to hang my head in shame here. I’ve never listened to White Stripes. Nor any of his solo or side project work. Nor the Black Keys. Man, so much music so little time.
Oh man… first album you should seek out is “White Blood Cells” It’s pretty raw in sound and really jams. Black Keys “Brothers” is a great album.