Travel Words and Thoughts
|I’m currently on the road, visiting the Redwoods in California. Another post will have photos and other details of my trip, but for now, these are my random thoughts on traveling.
- Not all “Free Wifi” is necessarily a good thing, regardless of the idea of being “Free”
- There are roads that say it’s 132 miles to your destination, but going 65 miles an hour and getting there in 2 hours may not be possible.
- Lunch may consist of a snack-size piece of cheese and a Vitamin Water.
- Deciding to take tons of photos on a digital camera is a good thing, even if I know that a good half of the photos may be out of focus, contain the wrong subject I was after or can’t remember where it was I took the photo.
- In line with the last thought, I’ve learned that it’s very useful to take a photo of the sign related to the photos that are taken soon after.
- Face wash, face scrub or just water splashed on your face makes you feel a hundred times more refreshed afterwards.
- Sometimes bad coffee is not bad.
- Scratch the above. It’s good to have a lot of Starbucks available.
- Nothing beats a nice bed to get a good night’s rest, even when it’s only $60/night.
- Most hotels that are $60/night don’t have nice beds.
- The 12 hours it takes to reach your destination is all worth it when you have 15 minutes to take in the beauty of nature.
Ok, I lied. There was one photo on this post. Lots more later.
I’ve often wondered about the availability of good coffee in The Redwoods and now I know! Safe travels today and I look forward to seeing you guys later!!!
I’ve found $250 a night hotels that have pretty crappy beds too, so price is not always a deciding factor! 🙂
It’s been decades since I’ve been to the Redwoods, I’m jealous!
It’s been a long time for me at the Redwoods, too! Beautiful as ever – great picture! I am jealous.
I cannot wait to see more photos!
I have started taking pics of signs of things to help remind me too. Especially in our garden. At first I could not tell what anything was, so I took pics of the seed packets 🙂
I love the picture and can’t wait to see more!
When it comes to my camera I’m more of a shoot first, think about it later kind of person. Which is all well and good until I look back on them and can’t remember where I took it. So your idea of the road sign is just what I hadn’t ever thought of. Thanks mate.
Lots of what you said applies to camping, too. Awesome photo, by the way!
hilly – When the hotel’s coffee sucks, there’s Starbucks (that could be a jingle)
dave2 – Yes, this is true (I’ve had a bad bed at Circus Circus during Comdex for over $300/night).
sybil law – You and Dave2 will need to make another trip soon.
kilax – The reminder pics have been a nice reminder. Glad you know this trick, too.
tori – Will be posting soon.
kevin – You are most welcome. And with digital, it’s easy to take as many as you need to.
nilsa – Thank you. I liked that shot of the sky peeking in through the trees.