Attended NAB 2012

nab 2012
NAB trade show

I attended my first NAB show this year. I had planned to go since the beginning of 2011, but ended up not going last year.

The exhibits only part of the show was Mon-Thu of this week, but I only attended on Monday.

I wanted to go to some of the seminars and super sessions, but time did not permit this year.


Premiere CS6
screen shot of Premiere CS6 – Original at DigitalArts

What I did see was worth at least the one day I walked the show floor. Adobe showed off After Effects CS6 and Premiere Pro CS6. I’m a Final Cut Pro user, but I was very impressed with how far Premiere has come since the last time I used it (1992). And while I’ve never used After Effects, I can see how some of these viral videos and other effects are done now without too much effort.


B&H – the J&R for professional video production

I picked up a B&H catalog at the show and I must say that there are many, many things in it that I would love to have, given money no object. Now leave me alone while I make my future list and think of ways to get at least 10% of what I want in this catalog.


Canon C500
Canon C500 4K camera

Canon showed off their 4K camera, which was much smaller than I expected. Of course the large part is still the price – $15k. Guess this one goes on my long term wish list.

For next year, I plan on going to at least 3 days of the show, so I can sit in on some of the sessions I missed out on this year.


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