The End Of 2008: Before and After

Another year comes to an end. This time it’s 2008 [the end to 2007 was so overrated] and a lot happened this year in the life of Marty Mankins.


A lot of people will make New Year’s Resolutions. I’m not much into them. Sure, I’d like to have things I want to accomplish, but they seem too contrived and shallow to me, like something you hype up, only to fail at in the first few months of a new year. I’ve set many resolutions over the years, only to look back and see what never happened. So I got to thinking… maybe if I give them a new name, there will be more of an increased desire to complete them.

I came up with TINTFA. It stands for:

Things I Need To Fucking Accomplish.

Or if you want the sanitized version, it’s:

Things I Need To Finally Accomplish.

To avoid posting the f-bomb multiple times on this blog [now what fun is that?], I’ll just use the acronym each time I need to refer to that. Will it work? I have an entire year to find out.

So with that, let’s take a look at things I did in 2008 and what can be expected in 2009.



This was the year that I delved into the world of big time blogging. Before, my blog posts were as sporadic as sex between Hillary and Bill. Now with Banal Leakage, you get at least two posts a week from me. I try for more, but two a week is what it is for now.


For the new year, I really want to post more per week. I have a lot of stuff in me that I need to get out, which includes [very soon] my 100th post. A TINTFA that I will make extra efforts on in the new year.

I will also announce a new blog. I eluded to it last year in this post and still have plans to make it happen. I will not keep everyone in suspense for much longer… I promise.

And finally, there will be some cosmetic changes here, mostly in the form of graphics and other fun updates.

Switching Jobs


Although I didn’t blog about it, I switched jobs earlier this year. In October 2007, I left the company I currently work for for another company because I was burned out. After three months at the new company, I ended up going back to the previous company. Confused? Yeah, so were a few other people in my life. But it was a good move back and even though my current employer is going through some changes, it’s still a good job and I don’t mind hanging out there as long as I can.


Unless this company I work for does something really stupid [more stupid than they usually set out to be], I won’t be switching jobs. So no TINTFA efforts needed [for now, at least].

Getting Married


As most of my regular readers know, I got married this summer, which I blogged about here, here and here. It went off great, we had a lot of family and close friends with us and we had fun, too.


Our plans for the new year include spending some fun times together and a few more updates to the house. For sure, some good TINTFA will happen in new year.

Scooter Sunday


This year, I turned a weekly blog post into a weekly video of me riding my scooter around the Salt Lake valley. It was fun, I got some great comments and feedback from my readers and I got to expand my video making interest into something I did on a regular basis. In short, it’s become an addictive part of my life, in a sort of non-addictive way.


As I’ve mentioned before, Scooter Sunday will make it’s return in late March. Expect all new episodes each week that continue well into the fall of ’09. [I may take a week or two off, but that’s it] There will also be some contests I will throw in throughout the season. For those fans of Snowy Sunday, I will keep making weekly videos until Scooter Sunday returns.



I’ve mentioned a few times that my greatest love in life is my writing [Sorry honey… I still love you] and starting this blog was to help me improve my writing skills and start pursuing a career in writing. I feel I’ve made a good start and even though I sometimes get writer’s block, I enjoy sitting down and coming with ideas to publish.


Each year about this time, I reflect back on what TINTFA I wanted to do the previous year. So I find myself in the same position why I didn’t push myself harder to write more and spend more time honing my literary skills. This is one of those TINTFA that I so want to work on and I do, but it seems I let too many other things in life distract me and keep me from making my re-entry into the writing world. I’ve got so many stories, novels, screenplays that I want to do… I just need to focus and get myself in a good place to start writing on a regular basis. I did it with the videos, I can do it with my stories.

Reading Books


I’m horrible at reading books. I love to read… love it. And I want to read. That’s not the issue. The issue is making time for it and to stop getting distracted when I need to sit down with a good book. My daughter will tell you that one of her greatest wishes is for me to finish reading some books. I have no less than ten books I’ve purchased over the last year and I’ve read two of them. Pitiful, I know. They sit there, I pick them up and then I put them back down. Sometimes I read 4 or 5 chapters, then I find something else that take away my time. Triple-dog pitiful.


I’m going to do my best to make time for the growing stack of books. A very much needed TINTFA. Plus, there’s a lot of books that will be coming out in 2009 that I will want to read. So best to be caught up before adding more pulp-based bookends to the bookshelf.



This year, I’ve been to Lake Tahoe, Mesquite, NV, Las Vegas, Valley of Fire and San Francisco once. Not a lot of out-of-state traveling, but enough to have some good times. The first trip to Lake Tahoe was the week I started this blog and then a second time in June for my wedding. Mesquite NV has Lee’s Discount Liquor and my favored Tilt 8%. My daughter and I went to San Francisco in late August to see Radiohead in concert with 60,000 other people at Golden Gate Park. We also went across the bay to see an Oakland Raiders NFL game [my daughter’s first NFL game].


Travel plans for this year should be fun, with a trip planned in the first part of the year [which I will reveal where in the next few weeks] with a few others thrown in throughout the year. My daughter and I always try to find a place she’s not been before and of course, there’s always Mesquite NV. [got to stock up, you know]



What would a year end blog summary be if I didn’t mention politics? This was a heated year, in which I revealed that I am a bleeding liberal, sometimes speak more than my mind [which ruffled a few feathers], squash a few rumors and sound off on pre-election bullshit.


As a very political person, you can be assured that I’ll post on various stories and news worthy topics I feel the need to be vocal about. I’ll try my best to not get heated in any of the comments, but I do get passionate about certain things that I feel strongly about. So I guess my TINTFA when it comes to anything political is to be vocal, but use some restraints.


Happy New Year

And this post ends the first year of Banal Leakage. To all of my readers, Scooter Sunday fans and commenters, thanks for visiting this year. Stick with me in 2009 and I’ll be here to provide the kind of blogging coverage you’ve come to expect. And maybe… just maybe… we’ll see some new faces here, too.


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