TINTFA – January 2015 Update
|First off, it was not my intention or plan to go two weeks without blogging. Change is not the light switch we all would like it to be.
Let’s forget my blogging silence over the last two weeks and give you an update on how my TINTFA progress went for the first month of 2015.
January 2015 Progress
- Find a new job
- Revive Scooter Sunday videos
- Read 24 Books
- Finish writing book trilogy
- 15 Blog Posts A Month
- Create a short film
- Get into better shape
- Create new video series
– Much progress here. I applied for 10 new jobs via two job searching sites Glassdoor and Beyond. And while I didn’t get any call backs, phone or in person interviews, I did receive a few email replies. This is a good start.
– No progress here in January.
– I met this goal by finishing two books: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and Fortunately, The Milk by Neil Gaiman. The last book I started and finished it in January, which was pretty easy since it’s a short story.
– No progress here in January.
– I posted 10 blog posts here and 0 (zero) over on Adult Beverages. And if it wasn’t for Kapgar, ABV wouldn’t have had any posts. So thanks to KevinIL for his most excellent boozy reads.
– No writing, filming or editing progress here. But there was inspiration by attending a few Sundance 2015 screenings, as well as walking around Main St. and visiting the Canon Creative Studio that was setup for filmmakers for the first 3 days of Sundance.
– No progress here in January, but I did maintain my weight at 169 lbs, dipping down into 168 lbs and 167 lbs for a couple of days.
– No progress here in January.
Control Anger
As for controlling my anger and maintaining my patience level, I made some positive progress here in learning to not react quickly when frustrated. Sure, the “fucks” and “Good Christ” still got blurted out, just not as vocal and at a more moderate tone and volume.
Let’s hope February is more productive. For my sake, it’s the shortest month that needs twice the progress.
“Boozy reads.” I like that. Happy to help. You’ll get back on track. We’ll help. Actually I may not be so great a help on the anger control thing.
Yay for progress! Any progress is good progress 🙂
Glad the job hunt is making some progress. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.