One Of The Blog Gang
Listed in my blog roll are the blogs I read and visit on a regular basis. is one of them. In fact, it’s one of the first I started reading [for well over 3 years now] when I discovered all of the blogging goodness that was out there. I mean, who doesn’t love Little Dave and Bad Monkey.
The First Meetup
Back in April, Dave came to Salt Lake City for a visit, where my wife [then fiance] and I met up with him at the Rio Grande Cafe. At the time, Dave was all hopped on pain killers, even though that didn’t affect his ability to share stories and make us laugh.
Dave Lake City 2
Hard Rock Cafe – Salt Lake City, UT
When I heard he was coming back into town recently, I thought of all the other blogger events that have recently happened: Davecago, Dave Diego… and the hoards of people walking around with buttons and lanyards. At that point, I had to admit it. I had lanyard envy. I wanted to live in a city with tons of bloggers where a meetup was like a house party, walking around with their names hung around their necks.
So when Dave walked into the Hard Rock Cafe last night, what did he have with him?
Elated as can be, I proudly put on the lanyard. Unfortunately, my wife wasn’t able to attend. But Dave did not disappoint. As you can see above, he had brought her a lanyard as well. [she says “That was very nice of Dave to do that”]
Small, But Cool
So even though there was only two of us, Dave Lake City 2 was a blast. We had dinner, drinks and even dessert. [sorry, no pics of the sorbet and ice cream sundae we consumed]
Marty and Dave at Dave Lake City 2, Hard Rock Cafe, SLC, UT
Next time
And that ends another Dave Lake City blogger event. Can’t wait for Dave Lake City 3. Click here for Dave’s post on Dave Lake City 2.
It’s a personal one on one meeting with Dave… Do you know how many people out there are now ridiculously jealous of you? Sigh…
what Bec said…
bec – Yeah, the one-on-one meeting was cool. I could see how people would be jealous. I could ask him whatever I wanted (well, within reason)
tori – Ditto.
Are there no other bloggers in SLC?
avitable – There are, but not ones that I personally know. Dooce is here, but I wouldn’t know Heather Armstrong if I saw her on the street. Besides, I doubt she would even respond to me if I even asked her the time, the elitist blogger she appears to be. I certainly wouldn’t mind meeting up with some other bloggers from here.
OMG! I would kill to have a one-on-one event with Dave! You lucky bastard!
(thanks for showing up so I didn’t have to eat alone!)
dave2 – I am a lucky bastard. And anytime you are in town, let me know and we’ll make it another Dave Lake City.
The best times I’ve had with Dave have been one on one…so yay you! You both look very handsome, btw.
Yeah, what Hilly said about the handsome! I’m just jealous that Dave got to meet YOU, Marty!
hilly – Handsome, huh? Why thank you.
winter – Double Thank you’s are in order. Someday, Winter… someday. I still visit the OC every so often. I will keep you and Hilly up to date on when my next visit will be.
You are both so adorable. I can’t believe you got to be with just Dave. And I can’t believe he got to hang out with just you. I’m jealous of both of you!
tori – *blush* why thank you.
Dave’s a fun guy to meet up with, isn’t he?
What’s the accordion card on the table?
I’m already thinking up photo poses for Dave and me in Davestin.
Wait, Dave2 isn’t subscribed to these comments, is he?
kapgar – He is fun to hang out with. The accordion card is a list of the various items they have for sale at the HRC store.
whall – Well, strike a nice pose then. Dave’s worth it. And I think he lurks here on occasion. 😉
I do hope you had a Bombay and Tonic, just for me? ;o)
Fab pics! What fun!!
penelope – Oh you know I did. Had 3 of them, one of which was for you.
That is such a nice picture!
catherine – Why thank you. It was a good picture, with Dave smiling more than I did. Blame it on the gin and tonics.