30 Days Challenge Status
I met 50% of my November 2014 writing goals
So back on Nov 1st, I took on the challenge to blog each day here and to finish NaNoWriMo.
This post is my 30th here for November. As I mentioned in a couple of blog posts along the way, I did post each day, but some posts were pre-dated, meaning I started drafts of them, but there were some I didn’t finish until a day or two later, but would force the date to be on the day I intended it to be posted on.
Phew! Long winded explanation above there. Basically, it means I really wanted to blog, but there were times that it was impossible to complete an entire post in that particular day and that a draft was created on that day.
As for NaNoWriMo, I fell short again this year. The most positive thing I got out of trying to complete the 50k words was that the book/story is still in my head and hardly any details changed. The story will be completed, but I certainly don’t want to wait till NaNoWriMo 2015 to complete it. My self evaluated status part of my writing endeavors needs help moving forward.
New Challenge
Tomorrow starts the last month of 2014. Let’s see what new challenges I can attempt to complete, shall we.
I know what my challenge is, catch up on your month of blogging.
Nice challenge. I see several other comments on other posts, so I see it’s “Challenge Accepted”
I like KevinAZ’s goal.
Me too.