2023 Reading Challenge

Goodreads 2023
Sticking with 24

I never posted a reading challenge for 2022, even thought I read one book: “The Storyteller” by Dave Grohl [I got the audiobook on Apple Books]. Being narrated in Dave’s voice, it made it easy to listen to, which was mostly on the various flights I took last year.

I’m still in the bad reading habit of not reading daily, and having a good 10 or so books: eBook, physical and audiobook formats that I have been trying to finish for months and years now. I’ve gotten really good at renewing each eBook I check out from two different libraries over and over again. Some have waits of 3-4 weeks as they have many holds on them, others I get to renew right away as there are no other holds.

I figure that I will eventually get the reading daily habit back that I had many years ago. So I keep setting goals, with the push and hope that I will reach it one year and keep it going in future years.

And as I did in 2021, I will post at the end of the month with how many books I got through and my review on Goodreads.


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