Year 4 – Giveaway Day 2
|For day 2 of the 4 days I am giving away a stylus, I’ve decided to add something (in addition to the stylus of course)
touchscreen stylus
Win a Stylus + App
Today’s giveaway includes a stylus and an app of your choice (up to $5) on either the iTunes store or Amazon’s Android App Store [Google Play doesn’t offer gifting of apps yet].
Just leave a comment below with one of your favorite apps on your phone (or maybe one that you would love to have as a prize). I will randomly pick one winner from the total number of single person entries. You have until Friday, April 13th at 11:59pm PDT to enter. After that, I will pick winners for all days and announce them on Saturday April 14th.
Then come back tomorrow for Day 3 for a chance to win a stylus, an app… and something else.
I’m in. Mostly because I have no idea what a stylus can do for me. And to wish you a Happy Anniversary celebration. Natch.
The stylus will change your life… or at least how you use some things on your phone.
My favorite Android app has got to be Mantano Reader. It’s certainly the one I use most often. ezPDF Reader is also very good.
HIIT (Ad Free), Tasker, Pocket Cloud, K9 Mail and Jorte are other apps I’m very fond of.
I’ve actually heard of Mantano Reader (from a friend that has an Android phone)
i have zero idea what apps i like because i refuse to pay for anything. if i win, i’ll have to figure that out! anyhow, i should have got here earlier and stolen earl’s comment!
he he.. Earl is quick on the draw.
My favorite, or I guess most used app, is Tweetbot. It’s my favorite Twitter app.
I’ve heard a lot about Tweetbot (I see the blue bird with the megaphone mouth icon)
Fun! Enter me, please! Wait. That sounded bad.
whoa there, KevinIL…. 😉
Crap. Forgot the app name… Echofon remains a must have for me.
And you already know what a fan of Echofon I am.
You are so nice! I really like this simple app called Pace Calc that tells me how fast to run to run a certain distance in a certain time. Or, what my pace was based on my time and distance. I think it was free. That Zombies Run app sounds fun but it’s $7!
Now curious about Pace Calc. Hadn’t heard of Zombies Run either, but it sounds like a cool app.