Good riddance to 2011 (and 2010 as well)
This time, it is happening. 2010 and 2011 were failed starts to a promise of change. And since there were no TINTFA lists made for those years, there wasn’t much headway made into getting things done.
But I have to say that this doesn’t mean that 2011 was all bad. In fact, lots of it was good. I traveled a lot [Myrtle Beach, Vancouver, WA, Seattle, LEGOLand, Las Vegas], I made a few videos, I expanded my writing by contributing to Thrice Fiction and I had a great Christmas.
But all that good doesn’t change the fact that I wanted to do more with my creative talents. I let way too many other things distract me from what I really enjoy and want to do.
So with that, here is my TINTFA 2012 list of what I want to accomplish:
- Filming and editing videos
- Writing
- Screenwriting/Movie making
- Reading Books
- Exercise
- Golf
- Blogging
– everyone that has read this blog for any length of time knows the videos I’ve done. Both Scooter Sunday and Snowy Sunday videos have been fun to make and fun to hear other’s comments on them. I love making them and have missed making them. 2012 will be the year I make more of these. Scooter Sunday Season 5 will be my push to make at least 10 episodes this spring, summer and fall.
– my other love is writing. I’ve almost made a living at it some years back and would love to do that again. That takes time to sit down and write and often. Meeting deadlines for Thrice Fiction helps, but I want to write more and expand my skills. 2012 will the year I add at least another regular writing gig to my portfolio.
– combining the above two, my daughter and I have talked about making a movie together. 2012 is the year we stop talking about it and actually make a movie… regardless how professional or rudimentary it is.
– along the same lines as my desire to write, reading other works seems natural. And I love to read, but just don’t make the time to dust off the stack of books I want to finish. 2012 will be where I read a book a month. Ambitious for this wordsmith, but it will be a great thing to accomplish.
– As I recently blogged about, I joined a gym that is very close to my house and at a low cost per month [$10], which gives me pretty much no excuses to not get fit and in shape. 2012 is the year I do this without any more failed attempts. My health depends on it as I approach the age of 50. Also would be great to get rid of my chin and gut.
– I only played 2 games of golf this year. I played none – ZERO TIMES – in 2010. 2012 is the year I plan to play at least 15 times. I enjoy the game and simply need to make time for it.
– I blog enough here, but I have two other blogs that I post to as well – ScooterSunday.com and Chillywilly.org. But I am working [and have been for almost 2 years now] two commercial blogging sites. I have made some progress on both of them, just at my distracted pace. 2012 is the year that both sites [which I will talk about more as things get closer] will be launched.
And that should be enough TINTFAs to keep me from being distracted in the year of 2012.
Wich me luck. Better yet, kick my ass in a couple of months if you don’t see any updates on these items here on this blog. Because that’s one of the ways I’m going to stay accountable for the above list. Regular updates so that I can see my progress.
Best wishes!
And I’ll totally kick your ass.
I expect you to kick my ass “Marty? Where are your updates?”
Good luck with all of it, man. Can’t wait to see what you share.
Thanks. Now to catch up on the comments so I can work on my first TINTFA update.
Good luck with your list mate. Glad 2011 was kind to you. Mine was awesome, going to England, getting married. In contrast, I expect 2012 to be a somewhat quieter 😉
Yeah, I complained about 2011 a bit, but a lot of good happened. Of course, your 2011 beat all of ours.
Good luck; can’t wait to see what you do! I think my list for the year will include submitting something to Thrice Fiction.
Ohh.. nice. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for your Thrice Fiction story.