Catching Up
Hello. My name is Marty and it’s been a month since the last time I posted here.
Ok, this is not some sort of affirmation. It’s me finally checking in here. Where do I start?
Where Have You Been?
I started this post on May 4th. Today is May 12th. That should give you some idea of my attention to this blog the last month. It’s not that I wanted to ignore this place. I didn’t. But uttering the phrase “life just happened” is not enough.
A lot has happened in the last month that I really want to blog about. To get myself back into a regular blogging schedule, I will be posting some details about what’s been going on with me. For one of the rare times I do blog about work, I will be going into as much detail as I feel comfortable about my day job and the changes I’ve been forced to embrace. Also, I will detail my efforts [or lack of] my workout schedule and why I’m still not working out on a regular basis. And lastly, a detailed and revealing post about my distractions and my many efforts to overcome them.
My plan is to write up these posts here very soon and work towards getting back to posting here.
For now, know that I am ok. I’m not sick or ill. Nor have I or will I ever, quit blogging. I love it too much, even if I do let life get in the way of creating new blog posts. I’m also still very involved with my LEGO minifig Cooper and I still have plans for him this summer. Also, Scooter Sunday will be back for a third season and once I get some decent scooter-riding weather, the filming will commence and I’ll be posting regular [hopefully weekly] episodes. And we’ll see the creation of all the other posts that I wanted to do but was too consumed with other non-blogging related activities.
So as I’ve said in many posts before, stay tuned. I’m working my way back here. To my faithful readers, I thank you for sticking with me during this unplanned hiatus.
Those who have interesting blogs lead interesting lives. Or something like that. In any case, glad to hear everything is OK and I look forward to a bunch of updates. In September. =)
Ha, no worries mate. We’ll still be here whenever you post 😉 I haven’t exactly overwhelmed my blog with posts myself in the past 7 days.
Thanks for the update!
Now git blogging!
Well, hello there.
Real life can be such a b*tch when it gets in the way of blogging.
Life. It seems to be going around. 😉
It seems like there are a lot of us with little time to blog these days…I tend to think that this is a good thing. 🙂
I will wait patiently so don’t hurry. Real life obviously is more important than blogs. But I can’t wait to read more about things!
I know what it’s like to be completely overwhelmed in life and not have time to blog.
Oh… wait a minute…
Well Thank God!
*I think that means we missed you
I know you’re okay as I see you daily on Twitter. Hence why I didn’t send a search and rescue squad for you.
But I know what you mean about life getting in the way. I’m about to post something like this pretty soon, too. Aside from my photo scavenger hunt, I’ve really done nothing on my blog.
Here’s a confession for ya: I barely noticed. My own life has been so flipped on its head for the last 14 months that all has been day to day, moment to moment, only what I can handle. And I spent the first six or seven of those months overestimating what I could handle. I haven’t been blogging, I haven’t been reading/commenting, I haven’t been engaging in my online life in general. I’ve kept the lifeline: Twitter. Except for a few random Facebook visits and a few false starts, I’ve done very little else online. I haven’t had my computer half the time & now it’s broken or dead, so I’m down to whatever’s doable on the iPod.
But (more than) enough about me, fcs! You-wise, I am glad for the changes going on in your life, because they feel like very positive things. Obviously bumps in the road are inevitable, and I think any consistent blogger deserves to lapse/take a break whenever they want or need to – it’s not like you’re getting a paycheck. I’m glad you’ll be back with the fun scooter episodes soon! Be well, and thanks as always for all your supportiveness of me.
nilsa – Touche! I’m hoping sooner than September, for my own personal sanity.
kevin – Thanks, sir.
ren – hi back at cha
sybil law – Sounds like an order to me.
karl – *waving back*
delmer – Yes it can.
finn – Yep, it is going around.
hilly – It is a good thing, unless of course you have a ton of stuff you want to blog about and trying to make time to blog it all.
tori – Thanks for your patience.
dave2 – You know, I often admire and wonder how you do it, since you have so much going on in your life. I hope I can break this dry spell and get back to being a regular.
zoe right – It’s nice to be missed, but I will try to keep these “being missed” periods to a minimum in the future.
kapgar – Speaking of your photo scavenger hunt, I do plan to join here once I get at least a little caught up here.
cath68 – I do miss your online posts and hope both of us can get back to regular blogging here soon. Thank you for the encouragement you give me. It’s doesn’t go unnoticed. 🙂