Contest #1 – Your Favorite Snowy Sunday Episodes

Alas, I wanted this post to also include the season ending episode of Snowy Sunday. But there were a few things preventing me from completing it. [for those of you that follow me on Twitter, you already know] If you can wait just a little bit longer [don’t worry, I won’t delay it a whole week like last time], it will be worth it.

In the meantime, I’d like to announce the first Banal Leakage Blogoversary Celebration giveaway. As with the rules of my previous giveaway I did for my 100 Posts Celebration, it’s easy to enter.

Just leave a comment with your three (that’s 3) favorite episodes of Snowy Sunday. This may require you re-watch all of the episodes, or you can just randomly pick three numbers between 1 and 16. Or maybe you already know what your favorite episodes are. Or you can wait and vote until the season ending episode of Snowy Sunday comes out [it will be Episode #17]. You have until Saturday April 18th at 11:59pm PDT to enter, when I will pick three (3) random winners. So no worries on time. No reason to rush the vote.

What’s that? You couldn’t find three favorites? Impossible, I say. But hey, It’s all good. Just list two or even one if you only have a single favorite. Just make sure to leave a comment with the episode(s).

What’s the prize?

I will pick three (3) winners, who will each get a $10 iTunes gift card. Not much, but hey, it will get you an album [at least most of one, anyway] or nine songs or a movie or, hell, whatever you can get for $10.

My Three Favorites

Now that I’ve asked you for your favorite Snowy Sunday episodes, I will share mine. Because, hey, I created them, I can have favorites, too.


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Snowy Sunday #01

– I liked this one for several reasons, including it was one my daughter and I did together. And I love all things Jackass and it was just plain fun to do.

Snowy Sunday Ep. 001 from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.


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Snowy Sunday #06

– For some reason, the music and the type of snowy event I was filming just melded together very well. Score on for the Bee Gee’s

Snowy Sunday Ep. 006 from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.


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Snowy Sunday #08

– I had so much fun sledding that day. It was fucking cold here that morning, too [it was barely 10 degrees]. People driving by and seeing a crazy guy with a camera, sledding down this hill multiple times. No apologies. Plus, being able to fit a Guns N Roses song into one of my videos made this the first place winner in my book.

Snowy Sunday Ep. 008 from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.

Contest Over

The contest has ended. I will announce the winners soon.