Lucky Number 13
This place is 13 years old – above image found on Pinterest
13 years ago on April 1, 2008, I started this blog.
While there have been periods of blogging infrequency, I’ve kept it going. I’ve never once considered shutting it down. And I expect to celebrate many more blogiversarys.
And just maybe there will be more contests for say turning 15. Got to give me some time to save up for some fun giveaways.
To all of my readers over the years, thanks for visiting.
Congrats! It seems like blogging was so long ago… but it also feels like yesterday.
Thank you. And yes, so long ago, but yet so much yesterday (especially for those us that still blog)
Thank you.
Woo boo! Lucky number 13! Congrats!
That should have been “woo hoo.”
I would have guessed it was supposed to be “woo hoo”. Thanks.
Woohoo! How cool is this? It seems like I’m perpetually behind at reading blog posts these days. But know I always do read everything you write here. Long may it continue!
Thank you.