One Year Ago Today
Nope, that’s not me… I was much cuter at that age
Banal Leakage Turns 1
April 1, 2008 was when I posted my first blog entry out here. Karl was the first to leave a comment.
A Month Long Celebration
So that’s it? Just a silly black and white photo of some kid blowing out a candle and a brief birthday mention? Nope. Not even close. I will be celebrating all month long here with all sorts of fun: the season ending episode of Snowy Sunday, the return of Scooter Sunday, contests, giveaways and so much more. I’ll be taking a look back at some of the posts I did this last year, listing my favorites and finding out which ones you liked the most.
There will also be some design changes that will show up at various times throughout the month. Just trying to keep the blog looking current and fresh.
Stick around. Celebrate my first year here at Banal Leakage. And who knows… maybe you’ll win a cool prize or learn something you didn’t know about me.
Happy Birthday, Banal Leakage!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwww, you’re one! Happy Bloggy Birthday, Marty. I hope you stick around for many many many more years.
It’s like Christmas in March. Hooray! Welcome back (I’m a bit late) and happy anniversary. What a year it’s been!!
Happy One Year! I want cake now 🙂
Yeah! Happy Birthday, Banal Leakage! Keep it up, Marty!
Yay!! Scooter Sunday returns! Happy bloggy birthday indeed sir.
Happy Blogaversary! And we always love celebrations especially the month long ones 🙂
Happy blogiversary. Happy to have made the first comment to my long-lost fourth cousin, or brother, or whatever. I’m sure Barack will be by to wish you many happy scooters or something.
Thanks to all of your for your birthday wishes. And an extra shout out to Karl for taking a chance on this blogging dude by being a Banal Leakage comment virgin.
Happy one year of blogging – can’t wait for the next year
Congrats!! Only a year? And with such a great blog look and great writing/content? You seem much more experienced (and that’s not a synonym for aged!).
Congrats on a whole year of posting great stuff! Can’t wait to see what the month brings. Happy BL Blog Birthday, and many, many happy returns. (HUGS)
Happy happy 1st blogiversary!! I am so glad I found you (or you found me – who cares?!)
Raising an enormous glass of G&T for you *cheers* sweetheart :o) xx
Happy birthday! DWP! turned five the other day and I never got around to doing any contests or anything, so no pressure.
Okay, I’m a little belated, but happy blogiversary!
Thanks again to everyone’s blogoversary wishes. Dave2 sums it up with one word: w00t!
kaylen – More experienced? I have been writing for some time, so that’s probably where the experience shows through.
catherine – Thank you. That year full of great posts is a clue to one of the contests.
penelope – let the G&T’s flow.
brandon – 5 years is a long time in the blogging world. The contests will mostly be fun, but will there will be some prizes.
kapgar – you’re not late at all. It’s a month long celebration. WooHoo!
Hey, it looks like we share a blogiversary! Hope yours was awesome!
lesombre – Doh! I should have been visiting your blog to know we shared the same exact blog birthday. Thanks and hope we both keep going for years. With the blog circle we are in, we’ve got years to catch up.
I’m sorry I’m late, but I wanted to wish you a happy blogiversary which happens to my wedding anniversary! Congratulations, and I’m looking forward to seeing the surprises you’ve planned.
geeky tai tai – Better late than never, I always say. Thanks for the congrats. Surprises coming up soon.
That explains the slobber.