Snowy Sunday – The Winners List
|We interrupt the regularly-scheduled episode of Snowy Sunday to bring you a special edition – announcing the winners of the 100 post contest…. in Snowy Sunday video format.
Snowy Sunday The Winners List from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.
More YouTube Downsizing
As I mentioned in last week’s Snowy Sunday post, I will not be using YouTube as a location for any videos that contain Warner Music Group (WMG) artists. This week’s episode uses a clip of Red Hot Chili Pepper’s “Give It Away”, which prevents it from being uploaded to YouTube intact. I tried to find another song that would fit this week’s topic, but this one fit so well that I decided to stick with it. It’s a short clip used at the beginning and end of the episode.
… I didn’t want to leave any YouTube users out of the loop on finding out if they won or not. So, in an effort to skirt around the greedy fuckers at Warner, I have “improvised” the clips used at the beginning and the end of the YouTube version for this week’s video. Sometimes, you have to do what you got to do. This will most likely NOT be a regular feature [sorry, I don’t believe in inflicting torture on any human beings]. The Vimeo version contains the beginning and ending clips of the actual song.
Click here for the Snowy Sunday – The Winners List – YouTube Edition
I am writing a separate blog post that will go into more detail about this WMG/YouTube issue, which I will post sometime this week. I didn’t want to take away too much from the excitement of this week’s Snowy Sunday with an extended rant.
I will be contacting you via email this week, asking you for your mailing address, so I can send you your prize.
To All of My Readers
Thanks to all of you who visit here on Banal Leakage. You have read my posts, listened to my rants and watched my silly mug in the videos I post. I hope to keep providing more entertaining, informative and thought-provoking posts in the future, occasionally celebrating blogging milestones by giving away free stuff.
Omigod! I was just sitting here watching the video, giggling at the BooBerry and saying “yayayay” every time someone won. And then, whaaaaaa? Little ole’ me? I am psyched! Yay!
Congrats to all the wieners!
Wait a second! Did my name go in your pocket after I won the initial prize? I cry foul! My name should have been put back in the box so I could win ALL the prizes! It’s not that I’m greedy or anything… it’s just that I’m so deserving!
I was convinced I was going to win the USB thumbdrive. Why? Because I bought one yesterday. That would be my luck. Heh.
Congrats to the winners.
Congrats, everyone!!!
Booberry – yum!!!
Congrats to all the weiners!!!
hilly – Yes, I was totally shocked myself when I pulled your name out of the Boo Berry box. Congrats on winning the GRAND LEAKAGE.
he he… you said “wieners”
dave2 – I would always deem you as deserving, not greedy. Unfortunately, the rules were played a bit differently this time. Congrats on winning a $10 iTunes gift card. 😉
kapgar – I’ve had that happen to me, like some sort of positive karma. Oh well. At least you know have a USB thumb drive.
sybil law – Boo Berry rocks. I could have also used Frankenberry, but the box was not empty.
b.e. earl – he he… you said “weiners”
Congrats winners! I’m totally, absolutely, not jealous at all! Nope! Uh uh! It’s super. Really. No, Im thrilled!
Oh well, I only wanted to win a bottle of Bombay anyway ;o)
How awesome was that? I don’t even care that I didn’t win because I got to be in a Boo Berry box. Awesome! Congratulations to all the winners!
What a fun giveaway video! Ha “$50 doesn’t buy much, but hey, it’s free!” ha ha ha
Congrats to the winners and congrats on your 100th post!
50 dollars buys enough booze to get me drunk!
What a bunch of crap! The rich get richer, huh?
Just kidding. Congrats winners!
penelope – You may just have to resort to getting a Bombay and tonic from me on Facebook for now. 🙁
tori – Sounds like Boo Berry was a big hit with a lot of people.
kilax – Thanks, I thought that comment worked good, too.
hilly – I’m very happy to know that $50 will go to a good cause. 😉
brandon – The winners appreciate the “Whiners” 😉
I’m sorry I missed this contest! I’ll remember the next one because it’s the same day as our wedding anniversary 😀
I think my name fell on the floor when you scooped them into the boo berry box, yes yes, after watching again it’s very clear ;-0 j/k, congratulations all.
Congrats to the winners.
I *just know* that had there been one more prize I’d have one it.
geeky tai-tai – Oh, that’s a good day to remember for a blogging contest.
kevin – Oh yeah, I totally could see that happening, now that you mention it.
delmer – Damn that “one more prize” option. Next time, for sure.
yaaaaaaaaay, boo berry! way to come through for me. wheeeeeeee!
thanks, oh chilly one!
Yipee – I win, and to the tune of the Peppers….Love It!!
Thanks, Marty!
hello haha narf – You are most welcome. Boo Berry says “welcome”, too.
beth – Congrats. I’m assuming you got the email asking for your mailing address.
Congrats on the 100 posts and the excellent give-away video.
whall – Thanks, Wayne.