Scooter Sunday #18
In last week’s Scooter Sunday comments, Dave2 mentioned how my scooter had been “oddly absent from Scooter Sundays as of late…” And he is right, albeit partially.
Scooter Sunday #17 was a recap of my vacation in Park City, with no scooter coverage at all.
For Scooter Sunday #16, I was on vacation that week, where my scooter remained parked in the shed while I updated my fun time at a concert and the start of my week off in Park City.
Looking at previous posts, there was Scooter Sunday #15 where I raved about my gas mileage I am getting, compared to my car. And then the posts for Scooter Sunday #12, #13 and #14 covered the saga of how the dealer broke my scooter, and it’s glorious [but marred] return.
So while the most recent Scooter Sundays were lacking in scooter coverage, I will do what I can to refocus coverage back on the scooter, at least until the end of the riding season, which I hope to extend well into October.
Speaking of…
I filled up my scooter’s gas tank this last week. The cost was $4.17 for exactly one gallon. It’s obvious that the Honda dealer did some good with my scooter when they did the regular maintenance on it. Either that or it’s broken in now that it’s been driven over 1,400 miles. Regardless what happened, I ended up getting 106 mpg… three more miles per gallon than last tank. I doubt it will get any better than this, but I’m just amazed at how lean it is on fuel [it helps that it doesn’t go over 45mph]. And of course it’s still so fun to ride, getting looks from everyone, including fellow scooter riders.
Long Rides
Last night’s ride was pretty long. My friend had a party at his house. He doesn’t live too far away, but it’s at least five miles from my house. And five miles is actually a decent distance on a scooter. Since this was a drinking party, I stopped at the grocery store to get a couple bags of ice. One bag fit into the seat of my scooter and the other bag laid on the floorboard between my feet.
Then a couple of hours into the party, we ran out of few drink ingredients. Since I wasn’t at a state of inebriation that hindered my ability to drive, I offered to run down to the store to pick up the items. The ride home at 1:30am [I was mostly sober by then] was not bad. I brought my windbreaker with me, since the temperature gets chilly at night. Plus with hardly any cars on the road at that time, it made for a pleasant ride home. Can I say again how much I love my scooter. Oh yeah.
Breaking Dawn
The popularity of this book series by Stephanie Meyer is incredible. Older teens and adults of every age have snapped up all of these books, including the latest and final part “Breaking Dawn”. My wife just borrowed the first three books from a friend and will start reading them. I wouldn’t mind reading them, even though it takes me forever to get through a book. I love to read and as a budding author, I’ve got a vested interest in these books that consume the interest of a collective general audience.
Plus, as my daughter told me, there is a movie coming out, based on the first book “Twilight”, which just got moved up by three weeks to open on November 21st, 2008. Let’s see if I can read the first book by then, so I don’t sit in the theater scratching my head while everyone around me is in tune with the plot.
Next Week on Scooter Sunday
Next week, Scooter Sunday will be posted late due to my trip to San Francisco. If it all works out like I hope it will, I’ll have something different to post, which will involve scooters. Stay tuned.
I love your scooter! I ride vicariously through all your ride tales.
I’ll send you the Twilight series in e-book. Per Motley, it’s overblown, over the top, and like a teenage, angsty version of the worst of Anne Rice. She says they are gloomy and dark… a total Emo vampire series. I now have no use for the e-books. Besides, my own vamps aren’t the undead, but are a living race of beings that drink blood, in part, to survive. I like that much better. 🙂
A friend of mine mentioned that he was reading the Stephanie Meyer books and I was intrigued because I’d never heard of her. Will probably pick those books up myself the next time I’m in Barnes & Noble.
winter – I’ve not read any reviews of the books and have no idea what the positives and negatives are. I know you are the ultimate expert on all things vampire, complete with your stories you have written so far. I’ll give the books a chance to see what they have to offer, mostly to satisfy my curious nature of why they are so popular.
kevin – I had never heard of her before, and she went to school here in Utah (BYU).
106 mpg is amazing! Is 5 miles the furthest you’ve ever driven it? Or have you gone on longer trips? You probably have, but I don’t recall!
kilax – I’ve actually had a couple of longer rides. A few weeks ago, I rode it about 8 miles each way, from my house to Liberty Park on a Saturday morning. Longer rides are fun, but it’s hard sometimes because I try to take routes that keep me off the major roads. So I get to be inventive, but I find that some side streets aren’t as well maintained, so I have to watch out for pot holes and other odd crap in the roads.
Your Scooter Sundays make me sad … and happy. Sad because I want one. And I drive everyday to work. And I spend ridiculous amounts of money on gas. Happy because you keep reminding me that we could get one. And I think about it each and every time I read your blog!
Your scooter sounds like so much fun! Not practical for me since I almost never go anywhere without at least one kid, so for now I will live vicariously through you.
nilsa – Wow. That’s cool… I’m glad I can at least inspire some want and hope into your scooter future.
tori – The model I have only carries a single rider, but the model my wife is looking at (Yamaha Vino 125) can ride two. I’ll be happy to be your proxy scooter owner for now.
I thought that I might want to read the Twilight series, especially since it’s based in Washington State shithole Forks (yes, that’s the name of a city), but I think I’m going to sit this one out after reading a few reviews and whatnot. I just think it’s going to frustrate me rather than entertain.
brandon – Forks, WA… didn’t know it was real. My curiosity is from many things, including that the author went to school here in Utah (BYU), and why it’s such a popular series.
Weird…I just noticed that book the other day because my name is in the title. 🙂 I’ll have to actually check into it now that you’ve recommended it.
blondeblogger – Good enough reason to check out something. If it matches your name, then it’s got to be good, right? 🙂
LOL! I like the way you think! 🙂
When you say a long ride, how long is long?
Katie picked up the first Stephanie Meyer book and has yet to read it. She’s kinda surprised considering the fantasy content of it all that I haven’t read the series. Hell, I haven’t read much of anything lately.
kapgar – Long for a scooter ride is about 8-10 miles (each way). I think my longest was the other night at 20 miles (round trip) when I went to meet Dave at the Hard Rock Cafe.
And as I mentioned above, I love reading, but it takes me forever to finish a book. We’ll see when I start and finish this series.
I am rolling in envy here. Not only do scooters look like a LOT of fun to ride, but I just know intuitively that I would look fabulous on one.
new age bitch – Well, if your avatar pic is anything like the real you, then you’ll look super on a scooter.. LOL