A bit late in posting this [14 days late to be exact] but here is my latest TINTFA update.
What I Accomplished
Here’s what I got done in July (and the first half of August)
Got down to 169 lbs.
Posted the first episode of Scooter Sunday Season 5
Turned 50 (and survived to write about it)
What I Am Still Working On
Three Book Series [I do actually small bits of updates on the first two books]
From The Jigger video podcast [still need a better microphone to improve the sound quality]
Getting to the gym more often [I only went twice so far in August and 9 times in July]
Reading Books [I took two books with me while traveling last week and my wife read one of them]
September 1st Awaits
Another update in two weeks. Let’s see how much more I can get done between now and then, shall we.
Again, thank you for your support – both written and silent – on completing my TINTFAs. It helps, believe it or not.