Snowy Sunday #01

What’s Snowy Sunday?

Starting somewhere in November, the weather starts to get really cold here in Utah [although a few sunny days in the mid 50’s make their rare occurrence]… cold enough to snow, especially in the higher altitudes. Then by mid to late December, snowfall finds its place on a regular schedule in the Salt Lake valley. Since this kind of weather is not very good for riding a small two-wheeled vehicle on icy roads, I’ve decided to put Scooter Sunday on hiatus for the winter, yet still finding an avenue for making videos.

Snowy Sunday seems an appropriate name as each episode will revolve around some form of winter activity involving the powdery white stuff [no, not that stuff]. Plus this gives me a chance to not get out of practice once Scooter Sunday makes it’s triumphant return in the spring.

So here you go… the first video episode of Snowy Sunday. Watch and comment.

Snowy Sunday Ep. 001 from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.

For the YouTube version, click on this link: Snowy Sunday Episode 001


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