Father’s Day in Wendover
Tiffany and her dad drinking Maker’s Mark and Sprites at the bar
For Father’s Day this year [which was a week ago this past Sunday] my daughter and I decided to spend the day together out in Wendover, NV. She had never been gambling before and what a fine way for a daddy daughter day to enjoy playing the slots, drinking cocktails and enjoying the day.
Utah Nevada Border
The Utah/Nevada border at West Wendover, NV
From Salt Lake City, Wendover – or more specifically – West Wendover – is about a 1 hour 40 minute drive on I-80. There is a Wendover, UT, but no gambling, no booze harder than 3.2 ABV beer in the tiny grocery store and pretty much lackluster. You cross the border into Nevada, which the casino building is literally on the border [the parking lots of two casinos are in Utah].
First Time Gambling
Tiffany first pull on a slot machine
As I mentioned above, my daughter Tiffany had never been gambling. We didn’t do any trips when she turned 21. So this was something we talked about for the last few years. It was about time we did.
Playing a slot machine called “Cat’s Meow” and winning
It was fun showing her the odds, how to bet so you don’t lose all of your money in 5 pulls of the “One Arm Bandit” and to just simply enjoy betting 27 cents at a time to extend the money she brought ($60). We didn’t play any table games. I figure we can do that another time. And when we have more money to bring.
At the end of the day, Tiffany walked about $20 richer. For me, I was down about $40, which included tipping for drinks.
First Gambling Cocktail
Tiffany drinking a White Russian while gambling
Speaking of drinks, I started Tiffany off with trying a casino White Russian, which are free poured with well vodka and coffee liqueur. She also tried a Bloody Mary. And to tip only a buck a drink – that’s winning right there.
I had a great time and this is one of those days that made me smile, being able to hang out with my daughter on well deserved Father’s Day.
You’re corrupting that poor girl. Next thing we’ll read will be about a cocaine and tequila bender in Tijuana.
And I will most likely be there right with her, snorting lines and shooting reposado (she might recover better than me, though).
What great photos of you guys.
Thank you, sir.