iPhone 5s
Proud owner of a new iPhone 5s
I upgraded my phone yesterday. I changed mobile carriers.
I am a happy guy.
This is the fastest phone I have ever used. Emails open without hesitation. iTunes Radio has moved me into the mobile music streaming world. LTE is as speedy as everyone else says it is [just about matching the speeds I get on my Comcast cable modem connection at home]. iOS 7 is a breeze with very little in the way of “WTF” moments.
I Have The Touch
Touch ID works flawlessly
I even eschew any NSA worries or concerns and have instantly embraced the fingerprint scanner. Quick to teach it my thumbprint and each and every time, it unlocks the screen.
More details later after I get used to all of this new iPhone awesomeness, but wanted to post my immediate thoughts on the new iPhone 5s.
My wife even upgraded her piece of shit Samsung Replenish, which dropped about 30 calls a week [no exaggeration] to a nice and shiny blue iPhone 5C.
It’s nice to love your phone again.
Thank you.
So you’re gonna do mobile music streaming with a limited data plan? If you’re a newcomer to AT&T, you certainly do not have an unlimited data plan. My wife does. I don’t.
Yes, the limited data plan is something I will have to monitor pretty regularly. I have a 6gb pool of data that (for now) my wife and I share. I have the option once I add a 3rd line to go to 10gb of Mobile Share data for another $9 (the cost of each phone drops $5 a month). That will give it a nice buffer without the worry.
My friend has the grandfathered unlimited plan and he gets 3gb before they start throttling him down to some dial-up like speed.
Nice! My contract is up. Pondering upgrading my my own 4S.
I would be curious to see what you upgrade to.