Out With The Old
1Password Pro for iPhone version 3.1.1
the Mac version of 1Password
After a month of iOS4 devices being available, we are seeing more evidence that older iPhone and iPod touch models are being treated as antiquated. 1Password, a very popular app that’s used to store user name and password information, has issued their new version 3.5 as supporting “only iOS 3.2 and above”, which works on pretty much any iPhone 3G/3GS and all iPhone 4 devices, iPod touch 2nd-generation and above and any iPad model. Any other device that isn’t running iOS 4 or iOS 3.2 can’t install the upgrade.
The previous version of 1Password Pro was version 3.1.1, which runs just fine on any device running iOS 3.1.x or above. This new version does add support for syncing with Dropbox and other functionality, which are nice updates. But if you are using an original iPhone or a 1st-generation iPod touch, you are out of luck.
I discovered this when recently running my App Store updates and trying to sync my iPhone 2G, which gave the error that the version of 1Password was not compatible with this device. Fortunately, it didn’t delete the app from my iPhone, which kept all of my data intact. The newer version installed just fine on my iPad.
Functionality wise, I’m still in business here. But it did raise some concerns over how much the older iPhones, iPod touch models and previous versions of iOS are at risk here of being antiquated rather quickly. Yes, I understand the original iPhone and 1st-gen iPod touch are three years old now and support cannot continue forever. But iOS 3 was current just one month ago. And already we have a major developer that is pushing forward with eliminating support in previous versions.
This is not new, since at the first announcement of the iPhone 4 and iOS 4, it was known that the original iPhone would not be getting an OS upgrade option. And neither would the 1st-gen iPod touch. And with that, I can understand why. Older devices running new version of an OS can be problematic. But it was announced months before and users of these devices had a heads-up. Not so with Agile Web Solutions, who simply pushed out a new version without notifying it’s customers of what they were planning on doing. Yes, in the small print on the App Store for 1Password, it does say that “iOS 3.2 or above” is required. But to a lot of people that don’t do the OS math, they may not have clued in what that meant exactly. There should have been a more detailed announcement on their web site, in their support forum, an email sent to all registered users – something – to give users who store critical and important data, a warning of what’s coming up with some solutions for keeping their older app.
So for now, I am extra careful to ensure I have backup copies of both the previous version and my data. But if this is happening now, I can imagine more developers jumping on board and orphaning previous users, all with an eye to supporting the latest and greatest. I’m sure supporting multiple iOS versions is not the easiest thing in the world and I can understand wanting to move forward, but people still use and love their older Apple products. Kicking them to the curb too soon could leave a bad taste in users’ mouths when it comes time to upgrade. By then, they may have moved on to a competitor’s product.
And that’s not a win for anyone.
Too lazy to Google, but I think I read recently that Apple was actually pushing developers to drop support for older version of iOS.
ren – I seem to recall that statement being made somewhere. Here’s news about another developer to drop support for iOS3:
And with Apple recently/officially dropping support for iOS 2.x:
for them to suggest a quicker drop of iOS 3.x seems to be really wanting only a single iOS to support, along with all developers. I understand, but it still seems to be too soon, given how many 3G/3GS and 2G iPhones are still out there and being used.
We have an app here that needs to be upgraded to run on anything other than Windows 98. Per the developer, the upgrade will not convert existing work files… which would mean someone would have to spend tens of hours recreating files.
So far, we’ve opted to keep a couple of Windows 98 machines running. (To compliment our DOS 6.2 machines and WFW computers.)
I think they’re assuming everyone is going to upgrade their iPhone every two years. And granted there are a lot of people that will. But it sucks for those who don’t. But on the other hand, I can see why developers don’t want to maintain different branches of the code for different iOS versions. So it’s quite the dilemma really.
I can’t say how un-thrilled I am that my first generation iPod Touch is considered a relic. It’s not that old; I have computers that are older than it and there is still software that runs on them. I think Apple wants to push people to upgrade, just like Intuit discontinues support for 3-year old versions of QuickBooks, which forces upgrades.
I’m so glad I’ve decided against purchasing a first generation iPad; this simply reinforces that decision.
Well, that just suckdiddlyucks!
delmer – I’ve had to support legacy apps like those for a while, including several NT 4 servers and apps that continue to have problems once we test them on something newer.
kevin – You are right, it is a tough spot for the developer. When there are only really 2 viable devices that can run iOS 4 (iPhone 4 and 3GS), you still have 2 other devices (not to mention the iPod touch models) that are still very capable.
missy – My wife has a 1st gen iPod touch and while she’s not as cutting edge as I am, I can foresee sometime soon where she may find an app that doesn’t run on her device anymore.
The first gen iPad was one of the purchases I’ve not yet regretted. Quite the opposite of this post, I am waiting for the iOS 4 upgrade for it.
sybil law – Yes, it does, Sybil Flanders. 😉