Rock on – Jimbo
Jim, outside his apartment building in New York City – August 20,2000
On Monday of this week, one of my best friends – Jim Godfrey – died of complications from cancer. He and I had just talked on Wednesday of last week, when he told me the bad health news. The doctors told him he had 3-6 months, but could be as long as a year. Obviously, it took him much quicker. He was only 50, just weeks shy of his 51st birthday.
Jim mid swing golfing at Nibley Golf Course – Jun 7, 2008
I first met Jim at Teltrust, a company we both worked at, in 1997. His tech skills were evident right away and we quickly became friends.
Jim and Marty at Harry O’s in Park City – January 23, 2010
In those 15 years, we went to many concerts, listend to a lot of music, watched Jim play the guitar in a few bands, broke a few laws, drank a lot of Captain Morgan, played a lot of golf and did a ton of computer, IT and tech work.
But perhaps one of the greatest things Jim for me was to talk me into going to New York City to hang out with him for a week. I had just broken up with a girl [technically, she was the one who dumped me] who was supposed to go with me to New York. I was on the fence about not going when Jim said to me, “fuck it.. come to New York and we’ll have a good time.” And I did and it made 2000 one of my best years I’ve had.
I will miss Jim’s calls and his sense of humor.
Rock on, Jimbo.
So sorry to hear, Marty. Sucks losing an awesome friend. xoxo
I’m so sorry to hear that mate.
Wow. That is so sudden. I am so sorry. Jim sounds like he was the perfect partner in crime! Rock on’ Jimbo!
I’m glad you got to have him as a friend, but I’m sorry you had to say goodbye too soon.
Rock on, Jimbo.
Oh Marty, I’m so sorry you’ve lost your friend.
I’m sorry for your loss, Marty. Truly sorry.
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Jim.
Rest in peace, Jimbo.
So sorry to hear Marty. But this was a beautiful tribute to a friend.
What a wonderful tribute Marty:) I miss him sooo much already. I don’t know how I’m going to live every day of the rest of my life without him. He was just with me a month ago and alive as ever. He is the love of my life. I’m still trying to face it all. The month of February is such a blurr right now. I don’t know that I’ll ever stop feeling so sick inside. I appreciate your memory sharing of him. He was such a great guy.
Yes, Lynette, Jim was a great guy and will be missed. Thanks for your reply.
Thank you all for your wonderful comments and sentiments.
Sorry for your loss, Marty.
Thanks, Steve.