Time & Technology
|Ok, I’ve never done one of these “ask a question” type of posts, so bear with me.
I love technology. But I also miss certain parts of the years when I grew up. I also wonder what it would be like to have lived in another time. So with that, I thought… “Hmmm.. I wonder what it would be like to be in another time with something modern to take with me?”
Now I know some of you are now saying, “Hey… that sounds like some scene out of Back To The Future!”. And you know what, you would be partially right. I love that trio of movies and there was some melding of modern items that got transported between time continuums, which pretty much was the basis for the entire movie series.
So, ok… I kind of “borrowed” the idea. But hey, it’s cool to think about so let’s have some fun.
Here’s how it works:
- Pick a time that you would want to live in.
- Pick a modern device or item that you want to have in this other time.
For me, it’s the mid 1950’s. Hip music, cool cars and the start to some modern inventions. And to have a cell phone with full texting and internet capability, sending back messages to the present day, logging in to the web on my phone and looking up information. Retro time, modern device.
Pretty simple. Now you try it. Feel free to go into more detail if you’d like. I’m curious to read the responses.
The wild west and an M-16 (with plenty of ammo).
1984… My MacBook Pro.
This one’s a toughy… I think it’d be cool to be back in the late 60s/early 70s…probably just a good camera/camcorder.
I’d like to live in the Victorian Era… with the gorgeous dresses, with men who still had manners and knew how to treat ladies, etc.
And I would want to bring my computer so that I could write scandalous romance novels anonymously! =)
I’d want to visit 2009 with my Google Portable Teleporter/Universal Translator/Atomizing Ray Gun.
A certain night in 1984 … and I’d like to take “what I know now” with me.
I’m too addicted to modern times to really want to go back to live in an earlier time. A visit might be okay, but even then I figure the negatives could easily outweigh the positives. Well, unless I just use it to get rich, of course. 🙂
This topic makes me miss that short-lived show, “Journeyman”. In particular, I am reminded of the episode where he somehow left a camera or phone or something in the past and back in the present found that computer technology was leaps and bounds ahead. He had to fix it for other reasons, though.
Ha, having internet access would make you seem like some kind of Nostradamus like genius. Not only could you “predict” events in advance, you’d have the answers to seemingly every question asked of you.
Sometime in the 20’s, with speakeasies and jazz and all that shizz. Although I’m not sure how I’d look as a flapper…
Anyway, the device I’d take would be… hmm… I guess I’d have to say a computer, assuming it could actually work. Maybe just a Corvette or something, though, to freak them out.
Mostly, I’d just love to travel back to the 1920’s. With air conditioning. 🙂
Woodstock with a digital video camera.
breakaway9 – Wasn’t the Wild West all ammo to begin with?
dave2 – Ok, now that would be cool.
alex – That would be some trip … to be able to film some of the “trips”
amber – Love it.
avitable – Atomizing Ray Guns don’t need lots of ammo.
delmer – Have you blogged about this certain night in 1984 before?
ren – I remember that show… very short lived indeed. I embrace technology a lot, but the coolness factor of going back in time with something from the modern world could elicit looks and stares and pure amazement.
kevin – Your comment reminds me on one thing from Back To The Future 2: Gray’s Sports Almanac
sybil law – Now that’s thinking. Air conditioning rocks (now that I have it)
kapgar – That only requires going back 40 years (and a few days)… not too bad. Showing up those with the Super 8 cameras with something a fraction of the size.
I would want to take doctors with medical equipment and medicines back to visit Jane Austen. There just isn’t enough Austen in the world and if she could have lived to write more…!!!!!
As for me, I would have liked to have taken a camera or computer back to the last days of WWII and the years that followed.
Hmm. Maybe the early 1800s with an SUV. I could do some off-road exploring before the country was developed.
missy – Two great suggestions. More Jane Austen and being able to digitally document the WWII era.
kilax – Nice. That would be cool, with no restrictions.