Scooter Sunday – Season 2 Ep. 08
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I’m free…. I’M FREE!! and I’m waiting for you to follow me…
Ten Days Old
Hard to believe I went 10 days with posting out here. It really wasn’t planned. It just sorta happened. I hope it doesn’t happen again for a long time. [the delay, not the posting of new blog posts]
Viewing Issues
If any of you are having issues watching the videos either directly on the page or from the Vimeo link, please let me know. I’m trying my best to work out any kinks or oddness as I move forward in making these videos available.
Very fun episode. Kudo’s!
Good choice on the M&Ms. Peanuts are sick and wrong. Easy Tiger with that speed, you wouldn’t want a ticket now would you? Not that I would ever get a ticket for speeding you see.
Oh no, you are one of those people who meanders through the parking lots… I am not sure if I can be your friend anymore 😛
Just kidding! We have people driving crazily through our Target parking lot, swerving around cars… we’ve almost got hit a few times because lo and behold, we are following the designated lanes.
My dad and brother still collect Hot Wheels.
The way you filmed the third store, it looked like you drove right in! LOL!
As the saying goes… Free Stuff Gooood!
Have you had the dark chocolate M&Ms? Delicious!
What about the ice cream? Oh the humanity! Poor ScUtah getting filled with melting ice cream while you relax with a caramel frappuccinno.
Sugar, ah ScUtah ScUtah
You are my candy boy
And you’ve got me wanting you.
Honey, ah ScUtah ScUtah
You are my candy scooter
And you’ve got me wanting you.
I just can’t believe the loveliness of loving you
(I just can’t believe it’s true)
Ah sugar, ah ScUtah ScUtah
You are my candy scooter
And you’ve got me wanting you.
xisor – Thanks, Tim.
kevin – I confess that I like the dark chocolate peanut M&Ms, but prefer the plain. And yes, us speeders need to be aware of the black & whites.
kilax – I hate people that do that, too… unless of course, they are filming a scooter video. 😉 I was a mixed collector… Hot Wheels and Matchboxes. And yes, that did look like I drove right into the store.
alex – Love the dark chocolate M&Ms. Free Stuff Good (a Darby reference)
ren – Good thing I wrapped the ice cream up in a bag. It actually didn’t melt much. The under the seat area actually doesn’t get too warm. Almost insulated.
monica – I love it… a ScUtah version of the “Sugar, oh Honey Honey” song. And ScUtah thinks it’s cool, too. 🙂
Edgar Winter! LOVE it! Must. listen. to. it. now!
And awesome free stuff!
Excellent ScUtah Sunday, overall!!!
Snippet comments…
I want to know where you found a coupon for a free Hot Wheels car. That is so cool.
Peanut M&Ms are so far superior. Go yellow!
Funny how it looked like you were going to ride right through the outer wall of Albertson’s.
How did you keep the ice cream from melting while you drank your Frappuccino?
I’m waiting for word that the cops are using your videos as evidence against you in a stop-sign sting. Funny.
Free stuff is my favorite. I loved this video!
I get the biggest kick out of the ScUtah badge on the side!!!
Out of curiosity – I tried a vanilla frapuccino last weekend (hated it – too sweet) but it cost about $5.60 – does that seem about right or is that extortionate? (I thought it was!)
sybil law – Edgar Winter is the bomb. Classic rock. And thanks for the props on this week’s episode.
kapgar – coupon for free Hot Wheels car was on the side of the Froot Loops box. Dark chocolate peanut M&Ms are good. Yeah, that ride coming right up to the Albertson’s did look pretty speedy. If there was no one around, I may have gotten away with actually going right up to the door. The scooter seat keeps things pretty cool. And once the cops catch up to me, I hope to already be in Season 3.
tori – Thank you.
penelope – Go ScUtah!!! and $5.60 is a bit much for that, if we are talking in US dollars. Even the large size here in the states (excluding Hawaii) is about $4.