|Hello. My name is Marty Mankins and it’s been ten days since the last blog post here on Banal Leakage. [thanks to Hilly]
To be more accurate, it’s been twenty days since the last time I [me personally] posted a real blog post. Sure, there was the post of photos that I put up here on my last day in Hawaii, but March 5th was the last time I posted anything of substance out here.
It’s not that I don’t love blogging. And it most certainly isn’t that I don’t like making videos and posting them here for my readers. Because I still love doing both.
A planned episode of Snowy Sunday still sits on my hard drive, almost completed.
There’s another almost completed post where I will tell you all about my trip to Hawaii.
And there’s a bonus video of some footage I took in Hawaii that I’m sure everyone will like. [a suggestion by a few of you]
But there’s no hiding the obvious: I’ve been pretty quiet here this month.
In my defense, I do have some good reasons.
I was ordered not to blog or make videos while on vacation in Hawaii, which was an order I willingly obeyed. I twittered some and updated Facebook from my phone a few times, but left the blogging to my guest hosts.
I can attribute some of it to being busy at my day job, which gets credit for doing a great job at saving almost all of the work on my projects until I returned back from Hawaii. I’m catching up, but still have a monster load of work to do in a short period of time.
I have spent time working on some of my stories, one of which looks like it will see publication here soon [more details coming soon].
I also have my share of personal interruptions from all sides: family, friends and others who have various questions, physical needs [moving desks for sister-in-law] and help with random tech needs. No complaints, but in reality, it’s time that takes me away from blogging.
I really didn’t plan to let this happen. Perhaps I really needed a break, even after a vacation.
I’m not stressed about it. Really, I’m not. I’m more wanting to make sure that I don’t turn this into some unplanned, extended hiatus. No worries… I don’t think that will happen.
I’ll be back to posting on a regular basis again [which is at least two posts a week]. In fact, I should have my Hawaii vacation recap post and a new Snowy Sunday video up here soon, [hopefully before this coming Sunday] as well as that bonus video I mentioned above. But for now, this is what it is – for the last twenty days and most likely until the end of the month.
I’ve got a great month planned in April for this place. So sit tight, enjoy the temporary silence, and I will post again soon. I promise.
I think you can count yourself still on vacation until the tan totally fades.
Okay dude, waiting patiently. π
Are you explaining yourself/apologizing for not posting to us? Shush! Go wash out that mouth with soap!!!
Who are you again? Oh yeeeaahhhhhh…
BTW, when you say “Physical needs,” you’re supposed to say “insatiable sexual urges” in parentheses, not that crap about furniture.
Blah, blah, blah…
When’s the Snowy Sunday?!
Glad you’re back! Take your time…
I think it’s healthy to take blog breaks from time to time. Enjoy your silence. And I, for one, look forward to the raucous noise in April!
Kapgar’s comment is cracking me up.
I can’t wait to hear about your trip and catch up but take your time. We’ll still be here!
I’ve found myself posting less and less of late and it actually feels kind of refreshing in a way. Takes the pressure out of blogger’s block. Post however frequently feels comfortable to you. We’ll still be around to consume your leakage.
Wait, that didn’t sound right at all.
I was going to say something nice and then I read Kevin’s comment and spat out my tea!
“Consume your leakage”?? Blimey!
Anyway, we’ll be here, and in the meantime we can chat about cocktails and worst hangovers EVER! ;o)
delmer – Good to know. That means I’ve got 3 more days (it’s fading faster with this new batch of cold weather here)
iron fist – Thank you, Vahid.
dutchbitch – Not apologizing, just informing. Thanks for the support.
kapgar – HA! HA!… you are a funny man. That moving desks was a ruse to distract my wife’s sister. π
sybil law – I should have Snowy Sunday back this weekend. At least that’s my plan. π
nilsa – Thank you for the support. And yes, the break probably was much needed. And I will bring the noise in April.
tori – Kapgar is one funny man. I should have the post up here before the weekend (I’ve said that before, too… thanks for your patience)
kevin – This “leakage” theme can generate some disproportionate verbiage, can’t it? The break was nice. Now if I could have only had more of it happen in Hawaii than at work, it would be much more enjoyable.
penelope – Seems people named Kevin have a great wit about them. And yes, chatting about cocktails never needs a break.
It always feels busier to me when I get back from vacay then before. Take your time. I am excited to hear about Hawaii!
and… queue depeche mode
kilax – Thanks Kim. And yes, things sure are busier after vacation.
whall – Nice transition.
Thanks, I enjoyed reading your post. Itβs nice to see someone writing something worth reading.