In The Doorway
Posting this some 6 weeks later, I still had to share this with my readers.
original photo taken
My friend Ingrid was having a Halloween party on October 29th, but I was out of town, but I still wanted to be at the party. So we came up with a way that I could still attend. I decided to make a stick photo of myself that could be carried about at the party.
I went to the craft store to get some thick board to post the printed picture onto. I found that glue stick helped a lot. So did my wife, who suggested that we use a paint stir stick, which would be easy to hold and much sturdier than the simple craft sticks.
The next few pics are the end result.
Against The Red
In The Chair
Hanging With Lindsey and Ingrid
As you can see, I was able to be two places at once, being able to attend this fine party at Ingrid’s house.
at the company costume event on Monday the 31st
As a nice surprise, I found that I was also able to be at the costume judging event at my company on Monday, even though I was on the road traveling back to Utah that day. Versatile human.