Original photo found at Classic Las Vegas
My list of things I need to do before heading to Vegas on Wednesday [tomorrow]:
- Charge my scooter battery (not that I am driving it to Vegas… )
- Pack (I’m taking two bags, one for clothes, one for tech gear)
- Work 6 hrs (please let no stupid shit happen during that time)
- Pack a rain coat (it’s still winter time, even in Vegas)
- Charge phones (both my Treo and my iPhone)
- Post this blog post (the fact that you are reading this means I can check off this item)
- Remember to tell my brother-in-law “Happy Birthday” without mentioning how old he is (he’s older than I am)
- and…. think positive about winning at the penny slots (I might play some roulette, too)
I think that’s it. Wish me luck. I’ll post again soon.