Notice anything different? I didn’t think so. Let me break it to you gently.
I’ve removed my Blogroll page. I know.. shocking.
Actually, it shouldn’t be shocking. The popularity and usefulness of the blogroll on people’s blogs has been waning for some time now. I’ve noticed a lot fewer blogrolls out on the blogs I visit and read.
Sure, it was a way to say, “hey, I like these blogs.. check them out.” But I got to wondering something. If I wasn’t looking at the blogrolls on other’s blogs, then how many people were looking at mine? If you do, let me know, but I’ll take a guess [and using my page results from Woopra and Google, it’s not a page that gets hit that often] that it’s just not needed anymore.
If you miss it, then maybe I can do a post every so often where I mention blogs I visit.
And of course, if there’s a blog I like, I’ll add it to my feed reader and visit, read and comment.
So long Blogroll. You served your purpose back in the day.