I don’t do goals or resolutions. I do TINTFAs*

Accomplishments are more of a focus for me. While the last many attempts at completing TINTFAs went dormant [there were no TINTFA posts in 2014], I am in a place where change is a much needed part of my life and my future and very livelihood depend on me getting things done.

And speaking of the last TINTA update, it appears that several items on my list are ones that I am picking back up again. This is not a bad thing as they really need to get completed.

The Year

The following list are the TINTFAs that I want to look back and say that they were completed in 2015:

  • Find a new job
  • – This is the key to me getting better and feeling more positive in my life. Due to many factors, this is one of the main reasons I feel stagnant in life. I want to work where I love what I do. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve not felt that in a job in a long time. The push to make this happen cannot be delayed nor understated in it’s importance for the rest of my accomplishments to move forward towards completion.

  • Revive Scooter Sunday videos
  • – A no brainer. I’ve sorely missed making videos of me on my scooter. And I know many of you have as well. No need to go into details of years of delays. I want to complete 22 episodes this year. Including a good 7 episodes that have already been filmed. They just need to be edited. I’m moving past Final Cut Pro 6 and Final Cut Express 4. My post-production will be using Adobe Premier Pro CC and Final Cut Pro X to edit and produce each video.

  • Read 24 Books
  • goodreads challenge
    – Pretty self explanatory. I love to read, but it’s been years since I’ve completed any number of books. Every so often, I do finish one, but it takes me months. All part of the distractions I deal with. That changes this year. 24 books. That’s 2 a month. All a matter of staying focused and reading as little or as much as I can daily. I already read a shit ton on the Internet every day. Why not just replace some of the mindless web searching I get lost in with reading chapters in a book. Be it physical copy or digital on one of my e-reader apps. Also, I’m including books that I started previous to 2015. So I might be able to complete more than 2 a month as I have many books that I started but never finished.

  • Finish writing book trilogy
  • – This is my Heaven Forrest, Hollow Mountain and Hilton Head trilogy of novels I’ve been working on for a good 14 years now. Would be nice to complete these and get them published, wouldn’t it? The story is still mostly in my head and I’m sure once the writing starts flowing, the books will come together.

  • 15 Blog Posts A Month
  • – While this might seem like such a low end accomplishment to those who blog more often, for me, this is a good metric to maintain. And to add a bit of complexity to this, I am extending this over to my Adult Beverages blog. So in effect, that’s 30 blog posts a month. Which is pretty much daily.

  • Create a short film
  • – There are several ideas that I’ve had over the years and one of them will take focus and become a short film. I’m thinking 15 minutes long will the running time. A year ago September, I made it an idea I had. Time to take that idea and make it into something I can share with others.

  • Get into better shape
  • – I know how to maintain my weight. I’m at 169 pounds, which is what I weighed the last time I posted a TINTFA. Don’t ask me how this happened. I’ve not been to the gym in months and while I’m an active person, there needs to be some toning on parts of my body that I’d like to get done this year. This requires working out, which will start at home doing core exercises as well as using the 3 year old treadmill we have here at the house.

  • Create new video series
  • – This is most likely going to be From The Jigger, my alcohol-focused video podcast that I’ve been wanting to do since 2013. I already have some segments that I recorded. I just need to set the stage – literally – for recording each episode.

Additional Monthly TINTFA

In addition to the long range TINTFAs above, there will be an additional TINTFA each month that will be short-range. For January, that would be learning to be less reactive and more patient. I get set off pretty quickly, mostly due to the long term and constant frustrations I have saddled myself with. The trick is to be calm. Almost like counting to 10 or some kind of trigger like that to help get my head and emotions back into a more stable condition. Trust me on this one. If you live with me and spend any amount of time with me, you know the state I’m in and how quickly I can react when a situation doesn’t go as planned.

Wish me luck and cheer me on.

*Things I Need To Fucking Accomplish
*or for a more sanitized version, Things I Need To Finally Accomplish


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