Music Monday: My Favorite Song by New Order

New Order has a great catalog, coming out of the ashes of Joy Division back in the summer of 1980. Their electronic sound grew further away from the band Ian Curtis fronted and with the 5th studio album, I would discover my favorite song by them “Vanishing Point”

Almost 4 years ago, I covered the 32nd anniversary of the album this song is on. Which means the album will be 36 years old very soon.

Played To Death

The song is track 8 on the original CD which is how I first purchased the album. I had already been a big New Order fan starting with their sophomore album “Power, Corruption & Lies” and had previous albums on cassette.

This 1989 release had some hit songs like “Run” “Fine Time” and “Round and Round” but it was “Vanishing Point” that hit me just right. And it was from there that I would skip right to track 8 whenever I played the CD. Oh sure, I would sometimes let the album play from start to finish, but nothing cemented my love for a New Order song like “Vanishing Point”

What is your favorite New Order song? Leave a comment below.


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