TINTFA 2018 – Reading Challenge
My reading challenge for 2018
It’s that time again to push myself to read books. I love reading books, but rarely make time for it. Time and time again, year after year, I don’t even come remotely close to making my goal.
My goal was 24 books for 2017 and I read 2. Epic fail. So this year my goal is 52. 52??? Seriously??? Why so high? Isn’t that setting me up to fail? Quite possibly, but I’m doing something over on my Facebook that I think will help me reach that goal.
Over on my Facebook page, I am doing a weekly post for three things: music lyric quote, movie line quote and book quote. The music and movie quotes are just fun and they will be related somehow to the week to a news story or other current topic.
The book quote will be a passage or paragraph or line from the book I am reading that week. Pushing myself extra hard, I want to develop a daily reading habit. My wife and I had a discussion on Sunday about getting distracted, so both of us have set a goal to set aside time to focus on one thing for an hour each day. The idea is that we will develop a habit of getting something done that we normally get distracted from. I liked this idea enough, which actually meshed with the Facebook idea I had. If anything, I will actually start to focus better, which I lack in and have for many years now.
So 52 books… tough goal, but a year from now, I hope to say I did it.
I am looking forward to your FB posts re: these things. I think it’s a great idea to read to work on focusing. It has definitely helped me with that.
Thanks. I’m hoping it will be successful in creating a new schedule of reading for me.
Can I ask a favor? Don’t just post to FB. Crosspost it here as well. I’m still a disliker of FB and will never see what you post. But I’d love to see this project progress. And think… it’s a free post!!
And good luck with the 52!
You got it. I will post here when I finish each book and the number it is for the year. And most likely a short review of the book. All for free… 😉