Episode #046
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Meals Over Deals :
- – This last week was Thanksgiving and aside from my personal issues I battle with, I had a lot to be thankful this year.
- – last week’s episode was missing the leading ‘0’ from the 45, so it sorted differently; remembered to add it back in this week.
- News – Story 1: Quentin Tarantino plans to retire after his tenth film
- News – Story 2: Faith No More releases new single after 17 years
- News – Story 3: BYU beard ban see more push back, protests
- RANT: Black Friday sales being taken over by Thanksgiving day sales
- SHAMELESS PLUG: Got to spend Thanksgiving with my daughter for the first time in 15 years
- Ending
- Email Feedback
– “Hateful Eight”, which is currently filming, will be his eighth; the famed director wants to go out on a high note and I support this; as much as I love his work, I’d like to see great directors not keep doing films because they feel like they need to keep going until they are old and out of touch; He first toyed with the idea while filming “Django Unchained” so I think he’s been considering this for a while now; of course, given his push against digital film, this might be a good option since everything is pretty much to that point now with dwindling 70mm projectors being found out in a theaters; no details were given about films 9 and 10, which I’m sure are lurking inside Quentin’s head; guess we shall find out in the coming years.
– Link to article: Quentin Tarantino Plans To Retire After His Tenth Film
– the title of this is called “Motherfucker” and it starts out pretty slow, but like many FNM songs, it builds to a nice hard edge; always cool to hear new music from one of your favorite bands; from 1989’s “The Real Thing” album to the very popular and experimental 1992 album “Angel Dust”, I loved this era of the band, where the music was very hard and had those wonderful hooks and lyrics that I like; so when they come back after being gone for a while, with the exception of touring 4 years ago, us long time fans wonder will they return to their glory days?; guess we shall see what the rest of the new album will sound like next year.
– Link to article: Faith No More premiere new single “Motherfucker”
– the private school is owned and run by the Mormon church; they have had a history of banning males with beards and give exceptions to some in cases of skin disorders; the church also runs LDS Business College and they recently made makes with beard exceptions to wear a lanyard; one such student was shamed and bullied over this; protest groups on BYU campus like Bike for Beards are pushing back on the school; the church doesn’t ban beards so why does the school force a ban?; conflicting policies and moral codes deem beards as “immorally”; those against the protestors are confused as they simply accept any policy without question; some that had beard exceptions are not eligible for renewal; BYU spokeswoman Carri Jenkins says nothing has changed, yet is not sure why some students are getting denied beard permits; I support the protestors; the school, while private and can do whatever they want, needs to be more clear on their policies that align themselves with LDS church beliefs.
– Link to article: Beard ban at Mormon schools getting stricter, students say
– For a good 20 years, I woke up early to get in line with the other early morning deal seekers; but last year, I called it quits; mostly because a lot of good deals can be found online at some of the same retail stores I would visit; but the bleed over into Thankgiving day has given me pause; a secular holiday like thanksgiving is time spent with family, enjoying a good meal, and a nice break from work; the retail stores opening at 6pm on Thursday is too much; while I understand grocery stores being open until later in the afternoon, most, if not all, are closed by 6pm, giving employees some time with their family in the evening; sad to see sales up 24% this year, so I guess this trend will keep going; I want to see if go back to being on Friday.
– for years, she would spend it with her mom and her mom’s side of the family; this year, I had the opportunity to have her join my side of the family; it was very nice; hosted by my step daughter’s father and his husband; pomegranate martinis, pinio noir wine, turkey, stuffing, potatoes and a berry cheesecake for dessert; always great to spend time with her; I look forward to many more years during holidays with her.
iTunes link: Banal Leakage