Retro: Monster Cereals 2013

retro monster cereals
Monster Cereals gone retro for 2013

Monster Cereals are back for 2013. And they have gone mostly retro by brining back Frute Brute and Fruity Yummy Mummy, which were last seen 29 years ago and 20 years ago, respectfully.

Frute Brute

frute brute
Frute Brute returns for 2013

So the last time I had Frute Brute is was actually spelled Fruit Brute. And I was much younger than.

retro fruit brute

It was also flavored differently. The original used lime-flavored marshmallows, where as the 2013 version uses cherry-flavored marshmallows. While it’s been long enough to not remember what Fruit Brute tastes like, I do think the new flavor has a good taste. Not too sweet or bland.

The new modern box design is ok, but I much prefer the retro box, even if it’s not 100% original.

Fruity Yummy Mummy

fruity yummy mummy
Fruity Yummy Mummy returns for 2013

As for Fruity Yummy Mummy, the name stays original, but the new box design is quite different from the original.

fruity yummy mummy

Also not original is the flavor of the marshmallows. The original were vanilla, while the newly released cereal is orange cream. As with the Frute Brute, I like this cereal, even if it’s been years to erase the taste of the original. The orange cream is a good mix of flavor when mixed with milk.

Franken Berry

retro boxes
Three of the Five Retro boxes for 2013

Since it’s debut in the early 70’s, Franken Berry has always been my favorite. I’ve never been bothered by the milk turning pink, nor by the brief period it turned one’s stools pink (Eeeeww!… not that I experienced that). Boo Berry and Count Chocula were ok, but I never put them in my favorite cereals.

If you are looking for the retro boxes, check out your local Target store. They had lots of stock when I bought mine recently.


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