Seven Years Gone
My mom in front of her apartment in September 2002
Yesterday was a difficult day, on many levels. Some of it, I can’t talk about here in the public.
But one that I can discuss is the death of my mom 7 years ago.
Each year, there are three days where the memory of her gets difficult: her birthday, Christmas and the day she passed away.
I really did want to blog about this yesterday, but just couldn’t. So here I am at the end of the next day.
They say as the years go on, it gets easier. I guess that’s true, if there are not other emotions going on at the time.
This year, the memory of her loss that much harder to deal with.
Good thing Christmas is months away.
I’m really sorry, man. I can’t say if it does or does not get easier. I haven’t dealt with death that closely yet. Just… sorry…
Thank you for your words, Kevin.
Sorry for my uber late respones. Hugs to you!
Thank you, Kim.
I’m sorry mate. Wish I could offer something better than that 🙁
Thoughtful words, Kevin. Thank you.
april 12, 2006 for me. still hurts. i’m so sorry you know the pain, my friend.
love to you.
Yes, you and I share a month and year for our mothers’ passing. Much love back to you as well.