Scooter Sunday #22
|Scooter Sunday returns to Sundays. At least for this week.
“you like-a the Video, eh?”
Thanks to all of your comments, emails and in person props, I got lots of positive feedback on the first Scooter Sunday Captured video I did last week. Given this popularity and the fact that I love making videos, I decided to make it a regular feature here, at least until I have to put the scooter away at the end of the season.
As for what I will be doing for the months I don’t ride my scooter, I am currently working on ideas for that. I may give some sneak peeks in a few weeks, but for now, it’s all just brainstorming and writing down every idea that comes into my head.
Scooter Sunday Captured
This week’s video is a bit shorter than last week’s. I’m trying to keep them under 3 minutes, including credits [like Wayne does with his DITL video blog entries, although credits don’t count in his 3 mins and he tends to have bonus footage]. Anything longer has me making tweaks for hours, which is fine for making cool videos, but adds to the delays in this actually getting posted sooner.
I am also providing a YouTube option, due to some of my readers not being able to view the Vimeo version. Vimeo will still be the default format, as it produces a better quality video [at least in my side-by-side comparisons].
And without further bantering delay, here it is:
Scooter Sunday Captured Ep. 002 from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.
NOTE: Due to Warner Music Group (WMG), this video has been removed from YouTube.
Until Next Week….
Thanks for visiting. In addition to the video next week, I’ll have some extra coverage to add to this post.
Love the video and of course the song!!
Very cool video, I like it!
So what are you using for editing and captions on the video?
karen – Why thank you. The song was a natural choice for some of these roads I ride my scooter on.
cameron – Thanks, Cameron. And welcome to the blog.
kapgar – Thanks, Kevin. I currently use iMovie 6 for all of my stuff, but will be moving to Final Cut Express 4 in the next few months. iMovie is good, but I’m hitting some limitations for some of the other video projects I’m working on.
I might check out vimeo because the quality is nice, the sound is great and the embedding is easy on the eyes. Maybe I should review the two side by side (youtube and vimeo) and maybe give a dual ability on my DITL’s.
Thanx for the plug!
What I wouldn’t give for a scooter view of Austin in the 80’s. Or Waco / Lacy Lakeview from ’83-’81. Or Lake Charles, LA from ’81-’86. I love nostalgia, but not as much as I used to.
Oh, also, btw, there were a lot of people who didn’t believe i was very anal. I mean, we even created a word (Waynal) to describe how anal someone can be. Wayne is ALWAYS pointing out the nitpicky things, like misspellings and what not. The end of this comment is to put any rumors to rest that I am not anal.
(it still says prodcutions at the end)
whall – I’m curious to see what differences you would notice with your DITL videos.
Waynal… too funny. But thanks to Waynal, you caught something that may have taken me some time to catch. Productions is now correct for Episode 003. Much thanks.
Nice… I am curious to see who will be first to put away the two wheeled transportation this year????
I loves me some AC/DC. You’re great with these videos. I just made my first trailer type video. Never really messed with this kind of thing before. Our president’s assistant is the gal with all the video experience in our office. My part always seems to be clipping music in Audacity. LOL But you were so encouraging before when my boss was having trouble with her vid, that I could do this stuff… I had to try. My efforts are not nearly as nice as yours since I don’t have any actual video in mine, but it was fun to do. I hadn’t really thought of it as fun until you said so! LOL
Another great Scooter Sunday! Can’t wait to see the next video!
kris – I think it’s going to be sixes for both of us, since ice isn’t kind to thin road bike tires or non-treaded scooter tires. LOL
winter – I thought your comment would mention the AC/DC. And thanks for the props. It’s taken some time to get there. I remember the first one I attempted some years ago and I fucked it all up… it was pretty bad. But another 40-50 hours later, I was making progress and something you would want to watch. Since last year, I’ve really been getting into it and now with these scooter videos, I’ve gotten into a regular working habit.
And as we chatted about your boss’ video needs a few months back, I’m glad I could inspire something. It’s fun, as each time, you get so involved in wanting to make it all work smooth and flow well. Then to see the final product is nice.
You’ll have to check out my first two rough trailers. I’m not sure I like WMM, it seems a little clunky… but I’m learning the process.
BTW, stop by my blog for a pressie!
winter – Yes, I want to see them. Send me the links to both. And thanks for the pressie… very nice.
Yeah I am curious to see if I can hold out until the ice hits to stop riding… I hope so…
kris – I hope I get at least another 6 weeks. I’m enjoying this only having to put one tank of gas into my car at once.
BTW, you just left the 1,000 comment. Sorry, no prize for you. I will be doing something in April when this blog turns 1 year old.
Cool videos! I’m loving the new Scooter Sundays.
brandon – Thanks, Brandon. Appreciate the props.
I like how with the blackberry, the placeholder for the video says ‘flash: moogaloop’ like it’s a snazzy saying or something.
I thought ‘pressie’ is what they do to you in gentlemen’s clubs. I wouldn’t know personally but I thought I’d check.
And this is a test comment made from my blackberry browser 🙂
Nice! You always choose the best music too.
whall – moogaloop… that does sound snazzy.
Let me correct you…. the term is ‘stiffie’ *echoing Beavis*
And so happy to see the Blackberry working again.
tori – As a lover of most music, it’s cool when I can match up a good song with fun footage.
Wow, for some reason I totally missed this post the other day. I love these videos so please keep them coming. I was also going to ask what video editing software you used but I see you already answered that. So as you were. Or something 😉
kevin – Thanks. I will keep them coming, as long as I can keep riding and after I can’t ride, too.
I love the choice of song! I am thinking a ZZTop song may be appropriate for a future video. Maybe “Tush”? Ha ha.
This made me think though – no radio on a scooter, obviously. Do you listen to music in your helmet (with iPod or whatever)? Is that even legal?
kilax – Hmmm…. “Tush” may work. I’ll have to play around with that and some footage.
As for music while I ride, I don’t know if it’s illegal or not, but I don’t use an iPod while riding. For one thing, the wind noise is pretty loud, even with the ear guard that I can attach to my helmet. I used to listen to music when I did a lot of biking. Low volume, but slower speeds, and I could still hear traffic, sirens and the such.