Scooter Sunday #22

Scooter Sunday returns to Sundays. At least for this week.

“you like-a the Video, eh?”

Thanks to all of your comments, emails and in person props, I got lots of positive feedback on the first Scooter Sunday Captured video I did last week. Given this popularity and the fact that I love making videos, I decided to make it a regular feature here, at least until I have to put the scooter away at the end of the season.

As for what I will be doing for the months I don’t ride my scooter, I am currently working on ideas for that. I may give some sneak peeks in a few weeks, but for now, it’s all just brainstorming and writing down every idea that comes into my head.

Scooter Sunday Captured

This week’s video is a bit shorter than last week’s. I’m trying to keep them under 3 minutes, including credits [like Wayne does with his DITL video blog entries, although credits don’t count in his 3 mins and he tends to have bonus footage]. Anything longer has me making tweaks for hours, which is fine for making cool videos, but adds to the delays in this actually getting posted sooner.

I am also providing a YouTube option, due to some of my readers not being able to view the Vimeo version. Vimeo will still be the default format, as it produces a better quality video [at least in my side-by-side comparisons].

And without further bantering delay, here it is:

Scooter Sunday Captured Ep. 002 from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.

NOTE: Due to Warner Music Group (WMG), this video has been removed from YouTube.

Until Next Week….

Thanks for visiting. In addition to the video next week, I’ll have some extra coverage to add to this post.


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