THIS IS IT… The Year End Clearance of Blog Posts.
Since about the end of the summer this year, I’ve been a very sporadic blog poster. It’s not that I haven’t had anything to write about or any new videos to make. On the contrary. I’ve had a plethora of subjects that I’ve wanted to post, but most I never did. And there’s been a few episodes that I wanted to complete but for some reasons [which I will go into in a separate blog post next week], I never made them.
Now there are nine days left to 2009 and I want to not only get these posted, but kick myself back into a regular habit of blogging.
So between now and December 31, 2009, I will be posting as many blog posts and Snowy Sunday episodes that I can in what I like to call a Year End Clearance. Nothing Held Back. Don’t adjust your feed reader.
Stay tuned. I think you will enjoy what I have to share. And it will be a good way for me to roll into 2010, injecting this blog with life again.