6 Month Update, also known as Update 02 for the year.
The last post was a month ago, where I pushed myself to do a 30 Day Challenge using Trello as the app/site to track my progress.
On my list I had 3 items: Mindfulness, Reading and Blogging. Progress wise, I only did 2 out of the 30 days of Mindfulness, outside of the breathing app and reminders that my Apple Watch forces me to do. And given July will be more than 2/3 vacation time, I don’t anticipate much in the way of progress on this challenge.
Reading was another stalled effort, even though I read 10 days in June. I’m still working on finishing all of the same books I started at the beginning of June, so those will move into July.
Which takes us to blogging. 15 out of 30 days. This was the best progress I’ve made in a long time. Nice to have something positive to report here.
See you on August 1st.