In the shower, walking outdoors and even while roaming the halls at work or school. Nothing like a whistle to help put you in a good mood. And so it is with some of rock’s greatest songs – adding a whistle to give the tune some mood boosting.
Here are four tracks that are memorable to my many hours of listening to the radio – from classic rock to modern alternative.
Steve Miller Band – “Jungle Love”
I remember hearing this song all the time on the rock radio station. The line “where everything is peaches and cream” and the guitar twinge that follows are permanently stuck in head, not to mention the whistling that both starts and finishes the song.
“Jungle Love”
Guns N’ Roses – “Patience”
To be honest, this is my least favorite song from this great band. Combining cheesy and horrible lyrics with Axl’s whistle has been burned into my memory from the countless times I heard it played on just about every pop and rock station some 23 years ago. Which also explains why I put the YouTube version here – I don’t own this song.
Guns N’ Roses – “Patience”
Supertramp “Goodbye Stranger”
From the 1979 album, “Breakfast In America”, this song has the least amount of whistling of these four, but since I really enjoy hearing this song, I wanted to include it here.
“Goodbye Stranger”
Peter, Bjorn and John “Young Folks”
A giant alternative hit, these guys showed the younger generation what a whistle can do for a song. It’s very catchy, almost to the point of “please stop” but then you hear it again and start to whistle along.
“Young Folks”
What are some other songs that use the power of the whistle that you can think of? Chat away below.