This is the first of 30 blog posts in the month of November.
And to further add an extra challenge, I am also attempting NaNoWriMo this year (again). I never finished last year and am resurrecting my novel from last year because I really do want to finish it. Believe it or not, I do love writing and have many stories in my head (and many ideas written down.)
Kevin from was the one who challenged me to writing a blog post each and every day this month. I signed up and am ready to post something each day here on Banal Leakage (my other blogs need just as much help, but let’s focus on this blog).
I have a much more detailed blog post that I am working on that explains where I’ve been in my efforts to battle my distractions and other issues that have kept me from completing many projects.
Until then, let’s see if I can complete these two writing goals this month. It’s already packed with many things (day job and an 8 day vacation to Orlando) so I have my work cut out for me.