Light and Stand Back
I’m being extra lazy today and using the same photo on two different blogs Cooper gave his permission – awfully nice of him
July 3rd
Hope everyone has a safe and sane holiday today. Here in Utah, most of the celebrating happened yesterday, which was July 3rd. Since July 4th fell on a Sunday this year, and due to a sizable amount of the population here in Utah that belong to a single organized religion, shooting off fireworks and having parades gets moved up a day.
I’ve always wondered how something like celebrating the birth of our nation gets trumped by religious mindsets. Sure, those that observe the modern sabbath day are being respectful. And yes, it only happens once every six years. But still, it has puzzled me for years why something so important has to adjust it’s celebration schedule as not to disrupt a religious practice.
Regardless of any ritual, today is the day that we celebrate our independence. And with that, I’m going to go cook some hot dogs and burgers, light some fireworks and throw back a few beverages.