The last episode of Scooter Sunday Captured for the season. Enjoy a look back at some scooter moments from 2008.
Scooter Sunday Captured Ep. 009 from Marty Mankins on Vimeo.
For the YouTube version, click on this link: Scooter Sunday Captured Episode 009
The End For Now
As Scooter Sunday comes to an end for 2008, it brings some sadness, as there are times when I wished I lived in a warmer climate and be able to ride year round. But reality slaps me in the face and I realize we get a good 6 months of winter here in Utah. Oh, we have some nice days here and there, but “nice” in the winter is anything above 45 degrees during the day. Still not exactly scooter friendly, considering the roads are pretty icy most of the time. If all things go as planned, Scooter Sunday should be back sometime in late March.
Since last Sunday, the weather turned pretty cold. We had some warm weather, but it was a lot less than we’ve seen in previous weeks. I still need to winterize the scooter, but I’m putting it off, thinking we’ll get one more day in the 60’s… one more quick ride before I unplug the battery and cover up the scooter in a nice warm blanket. I know… fat chance, but wishful thinking on my part.
Winter Plans
So what am I doing for the winter? Hibernating like a bear and snacking on my ration of Mother’s Circus Animal cookies? Not exactly [although I do have a hidden bag somewhere]. Be patient, people. I will reveal all next week.