It’s a Scooter Sunday and Father’s Day, too. Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there.
Warm Weather
Warm weather is finally here. This last week, I rode my scooter to work four out of the five days. And I will get four out of the five days this week, too. The weather is finally scooter ready.
Hanging Out
What better way to show your dad you love him then to hang out with him for the day. Now, I’m not some old fuddy-duddy that can’t listen to anything stronger than Lawrence Welk and complain about everything every five minutes [unless it’s the weather]. I’m pretty hip, with it and fun to spend some time with, at least that’s what my daughter tells me.
“Look dad, the car drives itself”
But the real reason she wanted to spend time today is because I promised her a driving lesson. She reminded me it’s been more than six months since the last time we had been out for a driving lesson. So we went to the local high school and I had her go over all of the previous things she learned before. She passed with flying colors and I came out of it without any extra grey hairs.
Next week: Guest Poster
“It’s good to the be the King”
So next week, I will be out of town getting married in Lake Tahoe. I have been requested by my other half to not bring my laptop. When I heard this news, I started to get withdrawals. No checking email, no reading blogs, no updating my blog… all of it off limits [well… at least with my laptop]. I do have two internet-connected cell phones at my disposal, as well as my HP Jornada 728, which is what I use to jot down ideas I get for my writing. So I won’t be completely out of the loop, but I won’t have time to do a complete Scooter Sunday post.
So I’ve asked Karl from SecondHand Tryptophan to guest post here. As a former scooter owner and a blogger that knows his wordsmith skills, I think I’ll be leaving all of you in good hands. I’ve given him free reign to talk about whatever he wants, with no restrictions on anything, including language and subject matter. Can’t wait to see what he posts (and if I will have any readers when I get back… )
“I’ll be back”
So there you have it. I will be back to posting Scooter Sunday in two weeks.