Three Times The Awesome, Three Times A Year
Thrice Fiction is Here
About a week or so after Thanksgiving, I received an email from Dave2 of Blogography fame. Unlike other emails where we talk LEGO, Depeche Mode and the lack of alcohol in Utah, this one was about writing for this new fiction zine that he and his co-creator RW were working on. I jumped at the chance to not only reinvigorate my writing career but also to be part of something new and ground breaking.
I had several ideas for short stories that I could submit and spent a good month or so going back and forth between all of them before deciding on the one that is in the inaugural issue – “Becoming Aquaman”
Aquaman, in his younger incarnation Aquakid
So without further adieu, head over to Thrice Fiction and download the first issue. Besides my story, there are many others from accomplished writers, authors and poets – including a nice read from another good friend of mine.
I look forward to submitting at least one story for each issue. Exciting is nothing short of the explanation of how I feel about this opportunity.